The dynamics of the stock exchange investments after publishing financial reports by the bucharest stock exchange listed companies
2021 |
Băhnean, Paul-Gheorghe |
Specialized applications used in the mobile application security implementation process
2021 |
Cristescu, Marian Pompiliu |
EMS implementation : a theoretical process design approach
2021 |
Herghiligiu, Ionuț Viorel |
Corporate social responsibility of large retailers : an international comparison
2021 |
Musso, Fabio |
The direct contribution of tourism to the gross domestic product of Romania
2021 |
Şerban Comănescu, Adrian |
Marketing automation systems as part of the management information systems evolution
2021 |
Teiu, Codrin |
Dark spots in trade theory : early testing attempts
2021 |
Burnete, Sorin |
Modelling of population consumption in conditions of instability
2021 |
Kharlamova, Ganna |
Organizational commitment and entrepreneurial intentions among employed persons : Serbian case
2021 |
Mali, Predrag |
Economic intelligence : using innovation to reinvent the business
2021 |
Mihăescu, Liviu |
Balneary tourism, a chance for sustainable regional development
2021 |
Nicula, Virgil |
E-government overview : evidence of theoretical and empirical models
2021 |
Pollifroni, Massimo |
Mihail Manoilescu, a researcher who tipped the development and international trade theory : sketch portrait
2021 |
Popescu, Dan |
Circular place specific innovative solutions in a complex and dynamic world : circular, vital and connected local communities
2021 |
Suciu, Marta-Christina |
Ways to effectively manage the risks associated with transfer pricing
2021 |
Tache, Ileana |
Flights delay compensation 261/2004 : a challenge for airline companies?
2021 |
Tileagă, Cosmin |
Segmenting customers based on key determinants of online shopping behavior
2021 |
Vinerean, Simona |
Identifying the optimum social site that could serve eLearning purposes : a preliminary analysis
2021 |
Bogoslov, Ioana Andreea |
The impact of cultural orientation on the societal motivations of luxury good consumption of it professionals in Sri Lanka
2021 |
Dissanayale, L. D. A. D. |
Information areas in logistics supply chain management
2021 |
Kadłubek, Marta |