Multivariable Geostatistical Analysis of the Geotechnical Properties in the Mexico Valley Subsoil
2019 |
Muñiz, Marcos Edgardo Delgado |
Propuesta de solución para resolver la excavación de un túnel somero de sección rectangular en suelos blandos
2019 |
Villar, Sergio |
Effects of Detailing on the Behavior of Helical Pile-to-Foundation Connections
2019 |
Chiluwal, Sundar |
Underpinning and Releveling of a Building Using Control Piles and Sub-Excavation
2019 |
López-Acosta, Norma Patricia |
Static Analysis of Retention Elements Using Piles and Shotcrete
2019 |
Martinez, Ismael |
Estudio de una Cimentación semi-profunda de grandes dimensiones alojada en las arcillas del Valle de México
2019 |
Pérez, Diego |
Aplicación de los métodos no lineales para la determinación de los asentamientos de las cimentaciones superficiales. Experiencia cubana
2019 |
Vila, Ana Virginia González-Cueto |
Bearing Capacity of Eccentrically Loaded Surface Circular Foundation on Sand of Limited Thickness
2019 |
Sobhan, Khaled |
Behavior of a Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall Under Seismic Loading
2019 |
Quiroz, Cecilia Torres |
Influence of the Variability of Geotechnical Parameters in Cantilever Retaining Walls Design
2019 |
Vargas, Ruben R. |
Underpinning Building in Deposits of Lacustrine Origin
2019 |
Cuevas, Alberto |
European Practice on the Use of PVC-P Geomembranes in Tunnels and Underground Structures – Special Testable and Reparable Waterproofing Systems
2019 |
Cunegatti, Massimo |
Diseño geotécnico de una obra subterranea en los suelos blandos del ex-Lago de Texcoco en la Ciudad de México
2019 |
Bermúdez, Enrique |
Comportamiento de Plataforma de Trabajo Construida sobre Arcillas Normalmente Consolidadas
2019 |
Zeballos, Marcelo E. |
Wall Construction and Monitoring Program of Tiebacks Walls in a Shale Stratum
2019 |
Bryson, L. Sebastian |
Cyclic Stability of Helical Anchors Installed in a Sedimentary Sand Deposit
2019 |
Costa, João P. da S. |
Geotechnical Conditions in the Campana-Zárate Industrial Complex, Argentina
2019 |
Codevilla, Mauro |
Static Load Test on Pipe Piles for a Vehicle Bridge in the Gulf of Mexico Area
2019 |
Paniagua, Walter |
Alternative Piling Methods — Chances for Technical and Economical Solutions
2019 |
Gerressen, Franz-Werner |
Pruebas de carga estática a compresión. Caso historia Reforma 432 en la Ciudad de México
2019 |
Gonzalez, José |