A Principled Approach to Analyze Expressiveness and Accuracy of Graph Neural Networks
2020 |
Atamna, Asma |
Ising-Based Consensus Clustering on Specialized Hardware
2020 |
Cohen, Eldan |
Transfer Learning by Learning Projections from Target to Source
2020 |
Cornuéjols, Antoine |
Vouw: Geometric Pattern Mining Using the MDL Principle
2020 |
Faas, Micky |
Addressing the Resolution Limit and the Field of View Limit in Community Mining
2020 |
Gharaghooshi, Shiva Zamani |
Reconciling Predictions in the Regression Setting: An Application to Bus Travel Time Prediction
2020 |
Mendes-Moreira, João |
AVATAR - Machine Learning Pipeline Evaluation Using Surrogate Model
2020 |
Nguyen, Tien-Dung |
Improving Prediction with Causal Probabilistic Variables
2020 |
Nogueira, Ana Rita |
Master Your Metrics with Calibration
2020 |
Siblini, Wissam |
Interpretable Neuron Structuring with Graph Spectral Regularization
2020 |
Tong, Alexander |
Combining Machine Learning and Simulation to a Hybrid Modelling Approach: Current and Future Directions
2020 |
Rueden, Laura von |
Computing Vertex-Vertex Dissimilarities Using Random Trees: Application to Clustering in Graphs
2020 |
Dalleau, Kevin |
Widening for MDL-Based Retail Signature Discovery
2020 |
Gautrais, Clément |
Digital Footprints of International Migration on Twitter
2020 |
Kim, Jisu |
Actionable Subgroup Discovery and Urban Farm Optimization
2020 |
Millot, Alexandre |
Orometric Methods in Bounded Metric Data
2020 |
Stubbemann, Maximilian |
Comparing the Preservation of Network Properties by Graph Embeddings
2020 |
Vaudaine, Rémi |
Angle-Based Crowding Degree Estimation for Many-Objective Optimization
2020 |
Xue, Yani |
Multivariate Time Series as Images: Imputation Using Convolutional Denoising Autoencoder
2020 |
Safi, Abdullah Al |
Dual Sequential Variational Autoencoders for Fraud Detection
2020 |
Alazizi, Ayman |