Studying the Performance of Vector-Based Quicksort Algorithm
2020 |
Marowka, Ami |
Ab-initio Functional Decomposition of Kalman Filter: A Feasibility Analysis on Constrained Least Squares Problems
2020 |
D'Amore, Luisa |
Performance Analysis of a Parallel Denoising Algorithm on Intel Xeon Computer System
2020 |
Lirkov, Ivan |
Performance/Energy Aware Optimization of Parallel Applications on GPUs Under Power Capping
2020 |
Krzywaniak, Adam |
Automatic Software Tuning of Parallel Programs for Energy-Aware Executions
2020 |
Varrette, Sébastien |
A New Hardware Counters Based Thread Migration Strategy for NUMA Systems
2020 |
Lorenzo, Oscar García |
Simple Preconditioner for a Thin Membrane Diffusion Problem
2020 |
Krzyzanowski, Piotr |
Additive Average Schwarz with Adaptive Coarse Space for Morley FE
2020 |
Alrabeei, Salah |
Electronic and Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Directed to Their Applications in Solar Cells
2020 |
Wojtkiewicz, Jacek |
Cellular Automata Model for Crowd Behavior Management in Airports
2020 |
Mitsopoulou, Martha |
A Conjunction of the Discrete-Continuous Pedestrian Dynamics Model SigmaEva with Fundamental Diagrams
2020 |
Kirik, Ekaterina |
Reactive Task Migration for Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Applications
2020 |
Klinkenberg, Jannis |
Examining Performance Portability with Kokkos for an Ewald Sum Coulomb Solver
2020 |
Halver, Rene |
Efficient cuDNN-Compatible Convolution-Pooling on the GPU
2020 |
Suita, Shunsuke |
An Adaptive Strategy for Dynamic Data Clustering with the K-Means Algorithm
2020 |
Lapegna, Marco |
Application-Aware Power Capping Using Nornir
2020 |
Sensi, Daniele De |
Alea-Complex Job Scheduling Simulator
2020 |
Klusácek, Dalibor |
A Numerical Scheme for Evacuation Dynamics
2020 |
Gokieli, Maria |
Modelling of Limitations of BHJ Architecture in Organic Solar Cells
2020 |
Wojtkiewicz, Jacek |
Softmax and McFadden's Discrete Choice Under Interval (and Other) Uncertainty
2020 |
Kubica, Bartlomiej Jacek |