ROS-Based Architecture for Multiple Unmanned Vehicles (UXVs) Formation
2020 |
Frutos, Raul Sosa San |
Knowledge Discovery: From Uncertainty to Ambiguity and Back
2020 |
Miro-Julia, Margaret |
From Linear Systems to Fuzzy Systems to Perception-Based Systems
2020 |
Seising, Rudolf |
Unimodularity of Network Representations of Time-Series for Unbiased Parameter Estimation
2020 |
Sobieczky, Florian |
On Modeling the Dynamic Thermal Behavior of Electrical Machines Using Genetic Programming and Artificial Neural Networks
2020 |
Závoianu, Alexandru-Ciprian |
Genetic Algorithm Applied to Real-Time Short-Term Wave Prediction for Wave Generator System in the Canary Islands
2020 |
Hernández, C. |
A Heuristic Approach for Solving the Longest Common Square Subsequence Problem
2020 |
Djukanovic, Marko |
Algorithm to Express Lie Monomials in Ph. Hall Basis and Its Practical Applications
2020 |
Duleba, Ignacy |
Model Based Design of Inductive Components - Thermal Simulation and Parameter Determination
2020 |
Merschak, Simon |
The Origin, Evolution and Applications of Visual Bio-cybernetics Concepts Included in the Original MIT-NASA Reports for Designing a Mars Rover (1965-1985)
2020 |
Jr., R. Moreno-Diaz |
Mathematical Reconstruction of the Enigma
2020 |
Moritsch, Otmar |
Remarks on the Design of First Digital Computers in Japan - Contributions of Yasuo Komamiya
2020 |
Stankovic, Radomir S. |
From the Discovery of Electro-Magnetism and Electro-Magnetic Induction to the Maxwell Equations
2020 |
Pichler, Franz |
Continuous-Time Birth-Death Chains Generate by the Composition Method
2020 |
Giorno, Virginia |
Volatility Modelling for Air Pollution Time Series
2020 |
Albano, G. |
Diffusion Processes for Weibull-Based Models
2020 |
Barrera, Antonio |
Some Results on a Growth Model Governed by a Fractional Differential Equation
2020 |
Crescenzo, Antonio Di |
VNS and PBIG as Optimization Cores in a Cooperative Optimization Approach for Distributing Service Points
2020 |
Jatschka, Thomas |
Concept for a Technical Infrastructure for Management of Predictive Models in Industrial Applications
2020 |
Bachinger, Florian |
Concept Drift Detection with Variable Interaction Networks
2020 |
Zenisek, Jan |