A Persistent Homology Perspective to the Link Prediction Problem
2020 |
Bhatia, Sumit |
A Gradient Estimate for PageRank
2020 |
Horn, Paul |
Spread Sampling and Its Applications on Graphs
2020 |
Wang, Yu |
Exorcising the Demon: Angel, Efficient Node-Centric Community Discovery
2020 |
Rossetti, Giulio |
Metrics Matter in Community Detection
2020 |
McCarthy, Arya D. |
An Exact No Free Lunch Theorem for Community Detection
2020 |
McCarthy, Arya D. |
A Generalized Framework for Detecting Social Network Communities by the Scanning Method
2020 |
Wang, Tai-Chi |
Total Positive Influence Domination on Weighted Networks
2020 |
Greetham, Danica Vukadinovic |
Universal Boolean Logic in Cascading Networks
2020 |
Wilkerson, Galen |
Rigid Graph Alignment
2020 |
Ravindra, Vikram |
Comparative Network Robustness Evaluation of Link Attacks
2020 |
Pizzuti, Clara |
Network Strengthening Against Malicious Attacks
2020 |
Rong, Qingnan |
Ensemble Approach for Generalized Network Dismantling
2020 |
Ren, Xiao-Long |
Short Text Tagging Using Nested Stochastic Block Model: A Yelp Case Study
2020 |
Bowllan, John |
Matching Node Embeddings Using Valid Assignment Kernels
2020 |
Wu, Changmin |
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Task-Driven Discovery of Incomplete Networks
2020 |
Morales, Peter |
TemporalNode2vec: Temporal Node Embedding in Temporal Networks
2020 |
Haddad, Mounir |
Eigenvalues and Spectral Dimension of Random Geometric Graphs in Thermodynamic Regime
2020 |
Avrachenkov, Konstantin |
LinkAUC: Unsupervised Evaluation of Multiple Network Node Ranks Using Link Prediction
2020 |
Krasanakis, Emmanouil |
Novel Edge and Density Metrics for Link Cohesion
2020 |
Savkli, Cetin |