Towards a framework for tourism entrepreneurship sustainability : implications for future research
2020 |
Anggadwita, Grisna |
Consumer characteristics and the effects of social factors on purchasing decisions of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) eco-friendly products
2020 |
Ali, M. |
Initial public offerings news in social media and investor sentiments
2020 |
Hendrawaty, Ernie |
Exploration of good governance on the minimization of corruption in Asia-Pacific
2020 |
Fathia, Syaharani Noer |
The impact of financial literacy on the performance and sustainability of SMEs in Indonesia
2020 |
Amelia, Yunia |
The role of business group in mitigating agency theory caused by excess cash holdings
2020 |
Dalimunthe, Nindytia Puspitasari |
Testing of Investment Opportunity Set (IOS), firm size, and risk of investment as variables that affect dividend policy in property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) during the 2013-2017 period
2020 |
Wiweko, Hidayah |
The impact of training, career development, and compensation on employee performance
2020 |
Simanjuntak, Elfrida |
The factors that determine consumer’s intention to use the service of the Amil Zakat institution
2020 |
Purnomowati, Indah |
Organizational commitment and job satisfaction : the leadership role of leader-member exchange in SMEs
2020 |
Jimad, H. |
Characteristics of politically connected companies in Indonesia
2020 |
Syaputra, Kamilia |
The effect of spot exchange rate and forward exchange rate on projection of futures spot of Rupiah on Dollar currencies
2020 |
Warganegara, Doni Sagitarian |
Risk-taking model in Indonesian banking companies
2020 |
Putri, Reisa Dyasvaro Zulanda |
An experimental study of the gender differences in risk aversion portfolio selection in Indonesia
2020 |
Putri, Intan Crusita |
An application of rapid agricultural risk assessment to manage citrus nobilis var. microcarpa damage in Indonesia
2020 |
Rizkina, Fitriana Dina |
Gapoktan performance is determined by SCM practices, TQM, and competitive strategy
2020 |
Husna, Nurul |
Estimation of economic value of mangrove forest in Lampung province using choice modeling approach (case study of Lampung Timur district)
2020 |
Gunarto, Toto |
The fish demand at fish auction sites in Lampung : implementation of the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) model
2020 |
Ananta, Prayudha |
Determinants of government financial statements quality with moderating variables in leadership commitment
2020 |
Septiany, E. N. |
Understanding the business model of social enterprise : case study of Indonesia Mengajar
2020 |
Qastharin, Annisa Rahmani |