Unemployment reduction through solo self-employment : a gender question?
2020 |
Haußen, Tina |
Determinants of FDI for Spanish regions : evidence using stock data
2020 |
Camarero Olivas, Mariam |
Nowcasting Finnish real economic activity : a machine learning approach
2020 |
Fornaro, Paolo |
Forecasting models for the Chinese macroeconomy : the simpler the better?
2020 |
Heaton, Christopher |
Forecasting with supervised factor models
2020 |
Umbach, Simon Lineu |
Aggregate density forecasting from disaggregate components using Bayesian VARs
2020 |
Cobb, Marcus P. A. |
Forecasting output growth using a DSGE-based decomposition of the South African yield curve
2020 |
Gupta, Rangan |
Forecasting of recessions via dynamic probit for time series : replication and extension of Kauppi and Saikkonen (2008)
2020 |
Park, Byeong U. |
Intertemporal diversification of sub-sovereign debt
2020 |
Knezevic, David |
Searching for the finance-growth nexus in Libya
2020 |
Cevik, Serhan |
The impact of hedging and trading derivatives on value, performance and risk of European banks
2020 |
Titova, Yulia |
The impact of temperature on gaming productivity : evidence from online games
2020 |
Bao, Xiaojia |
Social capital : exploring the theory and empirical divide
2020 |
Gannon, Brenda |
Drink and smoke, drink or smoke? : the interdependence between alcohol and cigarette consumption for men in China
2020 |
Ren, Yanjun |
Aggregation biases in empirical Euler consumption equations : evidence from Spanish data
2020 |
Cutanda Tarin, Antonio |
Why are Bayesian trend-cycle decompositions of US real GDP so different?
2020 |
Kim, Jaeho |
The Harberger-Laursen-Metzler effect : evidence from five SAARC countries
2020 |
Muhammad Shafiullah |
Identifying shocks to business cycles with asynchronous propagation
2020 |
Trenkler, Carsten |
Institutional difference and outward FDI : evidence from China
2020 |
Li, Chengchun |
Testing functional forms of the lifetime income process in the presence of factor loadings
2020 |
Ostrovsky, Yuri |