Governing by humans, not by robots : regulating humans and artificial intelligence in the 21st century
2021 |
Gantzias, George |
Finance in the world of artificial intelligence and digitalization
2021 |
Orsag, Silvije |
Fuzzy logic in portfolio selection : selected applications
2021 |
Škrinjarić, Tihana |
Artificial Intelligence and Supply Chain Management application, development, and forecast
2021 |
Torres-Franco, Michael |
Finding the solution of balanced and unbalanced intuitionistic fuzzy transportation problems by using different methods with some software packages
2021 |
Kumar, P. Senthil |
Study on Indian stock market performance based on commodities
2021 |
N., Deepika |
Evaluation of LPI values of transition economies countries with a grey MCDM model
2021 |
Ulutaş, Alptekin |
A research on hedonic and utilitarian consumption behavior of young consumers on big discount days
2021 |
Avcı, İbrahim |
Credit scoring : a constrained optimization framework with hybrid evolutionary feature selection
2021 |
Lappas, Pantelis Z. |
Artificial intelligence, marketing, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution : criteria, concerns, cases
2021 |
Kaplan, Andreas |
New marketing strategy : mobile applications as a marketing tool in airports
2021 |
Florido-Benitez, Lazaro |
Reinforcement learning in social media marketing
2021 |
Eklund, Patrik |
Economic AI literacy : a source of competitive advantage
2021 |
Wagner, Dirk Nicolas |
Artificial intelligence and backshoring strategies : a German-Italian comparison
2021 |
Kinkel, Steffen |
Bargaining chip : artificial intelligence in negotiation
2021 |
Dobrijević, Gordana |
The impact of augmented reality experiential marketing on tourist experience satisfaction
2021 |
Kavran, Andrijana Kos |
Determining the motives and behaviors of brand hate
2021 |
Günaydin, Reyhan |
Artificial intelligence applications in accounting and financial reporting systems : an international perspective
2021 |
Almagtome, Akeel Hamza |
Business intelligence : strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities
2021 |
Sultana, Jakia |
Modeling sovereign rating of India : using principal component analysis and logistic regression
2021 |
Das, Rituparna |