Your Data Wants You to Ask Better Questions. Do It!
2020 |
Weinstein, Marvin |
Studying Wythoff and Zometool Constructions Using Maple
2020 |
Charbonneau, Benoit |
Approximate GCD in a Bernstein Basis
2020 |
Corless, Robert M. |
Detecting Singularities Using the PowerSeries Library
2020 |
Kazemi, Mahsa |
A Poly-algorithmic Quantifier Elimination Package in Maple
2020 |
Tonks, Zak |
Effective Problem Solving Using SAT Solvers
2020 |
Bright, Curtis |
Undergraduate Upper Division Quantum Mechanics: An Experiment in Maple® Immersion
2020 |
Gould, Scot A. C. |
Machine Learning to Improve Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition in Maple
2020 |
England, Matthew |
PseudoLinearSystems - A MAPLE Package for Studying Systems of Pseudo-Linear Equations
2020 |
Barkatou, Moulay |
The Lie Algebra of Vector Fields Package with Applications to Mappings of Differential Equation
2020 |
Mohammadi, Zahra |
How Maple Has Improved Student Understanding in Differential Equations
2020 |
Meade, Douglas B. |
Using Maple to Analyse Parallel Robots
2020 |
Chablat, Damien |
Exact Parametric Solutions for the Intersections of Quadric Surfaces Using MAPLE
2020 |
Hamdi, Samir |
The Creation of Animated Graphs to Develop Computational Thinking and Support STEM Education
2020 |
Barana, Alice |
Use of Maple and Möbius in an Undergraduate Course on Cryptography
2020 |
Char, Bruce |
Enhance Faculty Experience and Skills Using Maple in the 21st Century Classroom
2020 |
Gooden, Lancelot Arthur |
Polynomial Factorization in Maple 2019
2020 |
Monagan, Michael |
The LegendreSobolev Package and Its Applications in Handwriting Recognition
2020 |
Alvandi, Parisa |
Using Maple to Compute the Intersection Curve of Two Quadrics: Improving the Intersectplot Command
2020 |
Gonzalez-Vega, Laureano |
Decomposing the Parameter Space of Biological Networks via a Numerical Discriminant Approach
2020 |
Harrington, Heather A. |