STAX appeal?
2018 |
Yehouenou, Lauriane |
Food insecurity research in the United States : where we have been and where we need to go
2018 |
Gundersen, Craig |
A research agenda for international agricultural trade
2018 |
Martin, Will |
The income volatility of U.S. commercial farm households
2018 |
Key, Nigel |
The economic impacts of 2015 avian influenza outbreak on the U.S. Turkey industry and the loss mitigating role of free trade agreements
2018 |
Çakır, Metin |
Understanding the impacts of food consumer choice and food policy outcomes
2018 |
Lusk, Jayson L. |
Economics of sustainable development and the bioeconomy
2018 |
Zilberman, David |
Sustaining our natural resources in the face of increasing societal demands on agriculture : directions for future research
2018 |
Khanna, Madhu |
The economic status of rural America in the President Trump era and beyond
2018 |
Goetz, Stephan J. |
The farm economy : future research and education priorities
2018 |
Featherstone, Allen M. |
Energy economics
2018 |
Tyner, Wallace E. |
Economic effects of the U.S food safety modernization act
2018 |
Bovay, John |
Is the natural label misleading? : examining consumer preferences for natural beef
2018 |
Syrengelas, Konstantinos G. |
Was the missing 2013 WASDE missed?
2018 |
Adjemian, Michael K. |
Store formats, market structure, and consumers' food shopping decisions
2018 |
Volpe, Richard J. |
In all shapes and colors : varieties of contract farming
2018 |
Bellemare, Marc F. |
R&D capital, R&D spillovers, and productivity growth in world agriculture
2018 |
Fuglie, Keith O. |
The effect of sunday alcohol sales bans on teen drinking in Georgia
2018 |
Meany, Brendan |
Impact of European Union : U.S. organic equivalency arrangement on U.S. exports
2018 |
Demko, Iryna |
On the measurement of consumer preferences and food choice behavior : the relation between visual attention and choices
2018 |
Van Loo, Ellen J. |