The anthropocene square meter
2020 |
Zalasiewicz, Jan |
The infinity of the anthropocene : a (h)istory with a thousand names
2020 |
Hallé, Clémence |
Climate snap : at the sign of the white flower
2020 |
Boschman, Robert |
Word for a tongue we are losing
2020 |
Rau, Stefanie |
The critical zone, a buffer zone, the human habitat
2020 |
Gaillardet, Jérôme |
The critical zone revelation : I am in the skin
2020 |
Dietrich, William E. |
Sarah Sze as the sculptor of critical zones
2020 |
Latour, Bruno |
Gaia is alive
2020 |
Dutreuil, Sébastian |
The earth won't let itself be watched
2020 |
Stengers, Isabelle |
The point of view of the mountain
2020 |
Zhong Mengual, Estelle |
Inhabiting the phonocene with birds
2020 |
Despret, Vinciane |
Sensorium of the earthbound
2020 |
Ziebritzki, Jo |
On the difficulty of animating the earth
2020 |
Schaffer, Simon |
Depicting holobiont
2020 |
Lukyanova, Olga |
Arts of inhabiting : ancient and new theaters of the world
2020 |
Aït-Touati, Frédérique |
When the global reveals the planetary
2020 |
Latour, Bruno |
"Where is your freedom now?" : how the modern became ubiquitous
2020 |
Charbonnier, Pierre |
Uber Eats : how capitalism consumes the future
2020 |
Mitchell, Timothy |
Traveling through the critical zone
2020 |
Arènes, Alexandra |
This planet which is not one : on the notion of zone
2020 |
Etelain, Jeanne |