When the global reveals the planetary
2020 |
Latour, Bruno |
"Where is your freedom now?" : how the modern became ubiquitous
2020 |
Charbonnier, Pierre |
Uber Eats : how capitalism consumes the future
2020 |
Mitchell, Timothy |
Traveling through the critical zone
2020 |
Arènes, Alexandra |
This planet which is not one : on the notion of zone
2020 |
Etelain, Jeanne |
1610 wood/cut: the anthropocene, uprooted
2020 |
Goul, Pauline |
The mechanical discovery of ultrastability
2020 |
Schindler, Alexander W. |
The world as organism and machine : jesuit geophysics in the early moden era
2020 |
Zielinski, Siegfried |
Recalling Humboldt's planet
2020 |
Walls, Laura Dassow |
Born from earth : a new myth for earthbounds
2020 |
Hache, Émilie |
"We don't seem to live on the same planet" : a fictional planetarium
2020 |
Latour, Bruno |
Transhumanist eschatology
2020 |
Irrgang, Daniel |
Sensing a moving planet
2020 |
Gabrys, Jennifer |
The grammar of action in the critical zone
2020 |
Szerszynski, Bronislaw |
How to visualize cells as overlapping trajectories of profiles
2020 |
Flower, Michael |
Carrier bags for critical zones
2020 |
Haraway, Donna |
Landing on the terrestrial volcano
2020 |
Holmberg, Karen |
The story so far
2020 |
Powers, Richard |
Domesticating soil in earth's critical zone
2020 |
Banwart, Steven A. |
The critical zone paradigm : a personal view
2020 |
Brantley, Susan L. |