Experimental Facility for Thermal Striping Studies in Dynamic Sodium Environment
2018 |
Vijayaraghavan, S. |
Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM)-Based Single Lap Joint (SLJ) Mixed-Mode Analysis for Aerospace Structures
2018 |
Mahesha, B. K. |
Study of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of AA6061 at Different Stress Ratios
2018 |
Verma, Rajesh P. |
Failure Analysis of HSS Punch Tool: A Case Study
2018 |
Desai, Suraj |
Evaluation of Fatigue Strength of Alloy Steel Pipe Under Influence of Hydrostatic Pressure
2018 |
Rout, Deepak Kumar |
Estimation of Fatigue Life of Notched Specimens of P91 Steel by Analytical Approaches
2018 |
Veerababu, J. |
Fatigue Analysis of Offshore Structures in Indian Western Offshore
2018 |
Nehra, Nitin |
Analysis and Design Optimization for Improved Fatigue Life of One-Way Clutch Drive Used in Starter Motor
2018 |
Neelakandan, Varatharaj |
Creep-Fatigue Interaction Study on Gas Turbine Engine Alloy
2018 |
Paulose, Neeta |
Thermo-Mechanical Creep and Recovery of CTBN-Epoxy Shape Memory Polymers Under Saline Environment
2018 |
Revathi, A. |
Asymmetric Cyclic Behaviour of Fine- and Coarse-Grained Commercially Pure Copper and Aluminium
2018 |
Mahato, Jayanta Kumar |
Potentiality of Small Punch Test Using Damage Model to Generate J-R Curve of 20MnMoNi55
2018 |
Kumar, Pradeep |
Cooler Casing Fatigue Analysis: An ASME Approach
2018 |
Ramamoorthy, Prathapkumar |
Crack Effect on Rotors Using Mode-I Failure Model with Transfer Matrix Approach
2018 |
Singh, Ved Prakash |
Layered Microstructure Generated by Multipass Friction Stir Processing in AZ91 Alloy and Its Effect on Fatigue Characteristics
2018 |
Allavikutty, Raja |
Lakshya: Life Assessment, Extension and Certification
2018 |
Jain, Manu |
The Tensile Fatigue Behaviour of Aligned MWNT/Epoxy Nanocomposites
2018 |
Jangam, Sasidhar |
Evaluation of Viscoplastic Parameters of an Austenitic Stainless Steel at High Temperature
2018 |
Asraff, A. K. |
Effect of Induced Residual Stress and Its Contribution to the Failure of an IC Engine Valve Material
2018 |
Gurunathan |
Fatigue Life Prediction of Commercial Dental Implant Using Analytical Approach and Verification by FEA
2018 |
Dhatrak, Pankaj |