A turn-based game related to the last-success-problem
2020 |
Grau Ribas, J. M. |
Limit optimal trajectories in zero-sum stochastic games
2020 |
Sorin, Sylvain |
Variational time-fractional mean field games
2020 |
Tang, Qing |
On equilibrium properties of the replicator-mutator equation in deterministic and random games
2020 |
Manh Hong Duong |
Three-player games with strategy-dependent time delays
2020 |
Bodnar, Marek |
Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation in the public goods game with individual disguise and peer punishment
2020 |
Wang, Qiang |
Fines imposed on counterfeiters and pocketed by the Genuine firm : a differential game approach
2020 |
Biancardi, Marta Elena |
Mean-field-type games with jump and regime switching
2020 |
Bensoussan, Alain |
Jet lag recovery : synchronization of circadian oscillators as a mean field game
2020 |
Carmona, René |
A semi-potential for finite and infinite games in extensive form
2020 |
Le Roux, Stéphane |
Robust policies for a multiple-pursuer single-evader differential game
2020 |
Von Moll, Alexander |
Discrete-time ergodic mean-field games with average reward on compact spaces
2020 |
Więcek, Piotr |
A dynamic game approach to uninvadable strategies for biotrophic pathogens
2020 |
Yegorov, Ivan |
Evasive path planning under surveillance uncertainty
2020 |
Gilles, Marc Aurèle |
Solution to a zero-sum differential game with fractional dynamics via approximations
2020 |
Gomoyunov, Mikhail |
Optimality, equilibrium, and curb sets in decision problems without commitment
2020 |
Herings, Peter Jean-Jacques |
Evolution of a collusive price in a networked market
2020 |
Shirata, Yasuhiro |
Price dynamics for electricity in smart grid via mean-field-type games
2020 |
Djehiche, Boualem |
A dynamic game approach for demand-side management : scheduling energy storage with forecasting errors
2020 |
Pilz, Matthias |
Power markets with information-aware self-scheduling electric vehicles
2020 |
Yanikara, F. Selin |