Analysis of mortar samples from the Church of the Saints Sergíus and Bacchus at Umm as-Surab (Jordan)
2019 |
Gilento, Piero |
Characterisation of Roman Mortar from the Archaeological Site of Mirobriga
2019 |
Chua, Alvin Sern Hao |
Insights into Carolingian construction techniques - results from archaeological and mineralogical studies at Müstair Monastery, Grisons, Switzerland
2019 |
Caroselli, Marta |
Characterization of historic mortars: techniques used to establish a construction chronology. Case study: "Aragoneses' Mill" as it belongs to popular architectural heritage
2019 |
Fernández, Esther Moreno |
An Ecology of Castle Construction: geoarchaeology, archaeobotany & radiocarbon analysis in the ecotone of Lochindorb Castle
2019 |
Thacker, Mark |
Animal, Vegetable or Mineral? Characterising shell-lime, maerl-lime and limestone-lime mortar evidence from the Late Norse and Medieval site of Tuquoy, Orkney
2019 |
Thacker, Mark |
Restoration techniques using 1930's Portland cements at Porte de l'Est in the Roman city-wall of Aventicum, Switzerland
2019 |
Gosselin, Christophe |
When Portland cement meets natural cement
2019 |
Marie-Victoire, Elisabeth |
Digital image analysis as basis for the evaluation of repair mortars in architectural conservation
2019 |
Kaiser, C. |
Formulated lime mortars as a sustainable practice for Built Heritage conservation in Mexico
2019 |
Chong, Marlene Sámano |
Impact of aggregates on fresh mortars’ properties
2019 |
Santos, Ana Rita |
NHL-based plasters and renders — Assessing the influence of mixing method on workability and hardened mortar properties
2019 |
Ruegenberg, Frowin |
Lime-based grouts for architectural surface repair. Comparison of their performance by using laboratory and field test methods
2019 |
Pachta, Vasiliki |
Limestone-filled, hydraulic-lime mortars for historic and traditional fabrics
2019 |
Aly, Marwa |
Comparing the moisture permeability of limecrete and concrete floor slabs
2019 |
Phillips, Grace A. |
Evaluation of the rheological behaviour of a natural additive of vegetal origin in restoration lime mortars as an ecological and sustainable alternative
2019 |
Guasch-Ferré, N. |
M.N.I.A.R. techniques of macroscopic characterization from the colorimetry and chromatographies analysis applied to the mortars in the archaeological site of Los Hitos (Arisgotas, Toledo, Spain)
2019 |
Guerra-García, Pablo |
From marlstone to rotary kilns - the early development of Portland cements in Central Europe
2019 |
Pintér, Farkas |
Repairs to Historic Concrete Pavement at Jacob Riis Park Utilizing Natural, Roman and Portland Cements
2019 |
Edison, Michael P. |
Evolution of mortars coposition and characteristics during the 20th century- Study of Portuguese buildings awarded with Architecture Valmor Prize
2019 |
Almeida, Luís |