Sun, surf, sex, and the everyday : subverting the tourist gaze with Gold Coast narrative fiction
2019 |
Palmer, Kelly |
Tourism and popular culture : socio-cultural considerations
2019 |
Tzanelli, Rodanthi |
Fado as a popular culture expression in the context of a tourist city
2019 |
Henriques, Cláudia |
Hunters, climbers, rlaneurs : how video games create and design tourism
2019 |
Lamerichs, Nicolle |
Music fans as tourists : the mysterious ways of individual and social dimensions
2019 |
Lexhagen, Maria |
"There were only friendly people and love in the air" : fans, tourism and the Eurovision Song Contest
2019 |
Linden, Hernik |
"I went to India to find myself" : tracing world cinema's neoliberal Orientalisms
2019 |
Pande, Rukmini |
The force meets the Kittiwake : shooting Star Wars on Skellig
2019 |
Barton, Michael Ruth |
The narrative capital of the place : how the millennium narratives generate place-related values and attract tourists to Sweden
2019 |
Lind, Joakim |
Spain as the scenery of mass tourism phenomena : between elite tourism and popular culture tourism : the image of the Country through Cinema and Photography
2019 |
Gutiérrez, Maria-Josep Mulet |
Popular culture tourism : films and tourist demand
2019 |
Kork, Yuri |
Tuning in : setting the scene for music tourism
2019 |
Bolderman, S. L. |
Film tourism collaborations : a critical analysis of INTERREG destination development projects
2019 |
Eskilsson, Lena |
Imagining the medieval in the modern world : film, fantasy and heritage
2019 |
Laing, Jennifer |
A Thai star's appeal to Chinese fans and its impact on Thailand popular culture tourism
2019 |
Moy, Lisa Yong Yeu |
Travelling to icons or icons on travel : displacement and representation of places in movies
2019 |
Kaya, Burcu |
Synontological spaces
2019 |
Trauvitch, Rhona |
The commodification of narco-violence through popular culture and tourism in Medellin, Colombia
2019 |
Naef, Patrick |
Transactional bodies : dance, tourism, and idea(l)s of Cubanness
2019 |
Ana, Ruxandra |
Film tourism stakeholders and impacts
2019 |
Croy, W. Glen |