Crime, punishment and the hybrid in medieval french romance : Robert the Devil and Geoffrey Big Tooth
2012 |
Hahn, Stacey L. |
Judicium Dei, vulgaris popularisque sensus : survival of customary justice and resistance to its displacement by the "New" Ordines iudiciorum as evidenced by Francophonic literature of the High Middle Ages
2012 |
Taylor, Scott L. |
Crime and violence in the Middle Ages : the cases of Heinrich der Glichezare's Reinhard Fuchs and Wernher der Gartenaere's Helmbrecht
2012 |
Classen, Albrecht |
The function of projected pain : the poetry of François Villon and the gift of self
2012 |
Gough, John P. |
Contra signum nostrum : the symbolism of Lèse-majesté under Philip VI Valois
2012 |
Komornicka, Jolanta N. |
Theft in Juan Manuel's El Conde Lucanor
2012 |
Ruiz, María Cecilia |
Does the punishment fit the crime? : Chaucer's Physician's Tale and the worlds of jugdment
2012 |
Pigg, Daniel F. |
The Amsterdam Spinhuis and the "art" of correction
2012 |
Peacock, Martha Moffitt |
Punishment post mortem - the crime of suicide in early modern Austria and Sweden
2012 |
Luef, Evelyne |
Competition for the prisoner's body : wardens and jailers in fourteenth-century Southern France
2012 |
Turning, Patricia |
The Celebratory Conical Hat in La Celestina
2012 |
Beusterien, John |
The host on the doorstep : perpetrators, victims, and bystanders in an alleged host desecration in fourteenth-century Austria
2012 |
Wiedl, Birgit |
Equal opportunity vengeance in the Heptaméron of Marguerite de Navarre
2012 |
Llewellyn, Kathleen M. |
The law - letter and spirit : language, transgression and justice in three medieval german eoic poems
2012 |
Clason, Christopher R. |
Deviancy in the late Middle Ages : the crimes and punishment of Gilles de Rais
2012 |
Ross, Lia B. |
Pimping for the fairy queen : some Cozeners in Shakespeare's England
2012 |
Willard, Thomas |
Réflexions de Montaigne sur le châtiment des criminels
2012 |
Bjaï, Denis |
Introduction : crime, transgression, and deviancy: behaviors that defines us all
2012 |
Classen, Albrecht |
Le "crime épique" et sa punition : quelques exemples (XIIe-XIIIe siècles)
2012 |
Ribémont, Bernard |
"I know how to be a whore and thief" : the poet's reputation: Troubadours - ancestors of poètes maudits?
2012 |
Niiranen, Susanna |