Cross-link in the structure of senior high school student concept map in existing biology learning
2020 |
As'ari, Faizal Nur |
Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation method on spatial autoregressive fixed effect for modeling the economic growth of ASEAN countries
2020 |
Brilliant, Indira Ihnu |
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) utilization of oil palm empty fruit bunches as bioenergy
2020 |
Darojat, Khumaidah |
Content validity uses Rasch model on computerized testlet instrument to measure chemical literacy capabilities
2020 |
Fahmina, Shifi Syarifa |
Two-dimensional mathematical modeling of flame spread behavior of biodiesel droplet through the percolation approach
2020 |
Fitriana, Laila |
Project-based learning on media development course to improve creativity of prospective physics teacher
2020 |
Gunawan, Gunawan |
The analysis of students' critical thinking skill through ethnoscience instruction integrated on the topic of magnetic field
2020 |
Gunawan, Yovita Yuliana |
Mixture model for image segmentation using Gaussian, Student's t, and Laplacian distribution with spatial dependence
2020 |
Iriawan, Nur |
Process oriented guided inquiry learning to increase student's critical thinking ability on chemistry learning at Islamic High School in Cirebon
2020 |
Kisworo, Banu |
The contribution of robotics education in primary schools: Teaching and learning
2020 |
Lathifah, A. |
Development of teaching materials to improve the student's high order thinking skills
2020 |
Luthfiyah, Rizqi Anisa |
Identification of Android-based interactive multimedia needs for basic physics content
2020 |
Ma'ruf, M. |
The development of lesson design to improve collaboration activities and scientific work of student at SMAN 6 Ternate based on lesson study for learning community
2020 |
Mas'ud, Abdu |
Determination of wavelength candidates for non-invasive hemoglobin measurement devices and energy spectrum analysis
2020 |
Nasiba, Umu |
Learning difficulties in microteaching class: A case study
2020 |
Nugraheni, Febriani Sarwendah Asri |
Support vector machine for imbalanced microarray dataset classification using ant colony optimization and genetic algorithm
2020 |
Nurlaily, Diana |
Item fit investigation on eco critical thinking skills instrument
2020 |
Purnami, Wahyuni |
Revisting blended learning in TPACK: Literature review
2020 |
Rahmawati, Novita |
Modeling stock prices using mixture autoregressive model
2020 |
Rasyid, Dwilaksana Abdullah |
The influence of glass waste use as a fine aggregate substitution towards concrete's splitting tensile strength, absorption and porosity using fly ash as 10% substitution of cement weight
2020 |
Salas, Ahmad Muzakky |