Excess volatility : beyond discount rates
2018 |
Giglio, Stefano |
Do banks pass through credit expansions to consumers who want to borrow?
2018 |
Agarwal, Sumit |
Ban the box, criminal records, and racial discrimination : a field experiment
2018 |
Agan, Amanda |
A model of the international monetary system
2018 |
Farhi, Emmanuel |
Excess sensitivity of high-income consumers
2018 |
Küng, Lorenz |
Racial bias in bail decisions
2018 |
Arnold, David |
The elusive costs of inflation : price dispersion during the US great inflation
2018 |
Nakamura, Emi |
The impacts of neighborhoods on intergenerational mobility II, County-level estimates
2018 |
Chetty, Ray |
The morale effects of pay inequality
2018 |
Breza, Emily |
Frontier knowledge and scientific production : evidence from the collapse of international science
2018 |
Iaria, Alessandro |
Social mobility and stability of democracy : reevaluating De Tocqueville
2018 |
Acemoglu, Daron |
Divergent paths : a new perspective on earnings differences between black and white men since 1940
2018 |
Bayer, Patrick J. |
Distributional national accounts : methods and estimates for the United States
2018 |
Piketty, Thomas |
Human capital and development accounting : new evidence from wage gains at migration
2018 |
Hendricks, Lutz |
Marginal tax rates and income : new time series evidence
2018 |
Mertens, Karel |
Missed sales and the pricing of ancillary goods
2018 |
Gomes, Renato |
Clans, guilds, and markets : apprenticeship institutions and growth in the preindustrial economy
2018 |
De la Croix, David |
Tuskegee and the health of black men
2018 |
Alsan, Marcella |
What do exporters know?
2018 |
Dickstein, Michael J. |
Political advertising and election results
2018 |
Spenkuch, Jörg L. |