MTZ-primal-dual model, cutting-plane, and combinatorial branch-and-bound for shortest paths avoiding negative cycles
2020 |
Andrade, Rafael Castro de |
The sociotechnical teams formation problem : a mathematical optimization approach
2020 |
Campêlo, Manoel |
Operating room scheduling under waiting time constraints : the Chilean GES plan
2020 |
Barrera, Javiera |
Integrated versus hierarchical approach for zone delineation and crop planning under uncertainty
2020 |
Albornoz, Víctor M. |
Multi-depot traveling salesmen location problems on networks with special structure
2020 |
Averbakh, Igor |
Reliable maximin-maxisum locations for maximum service availability on tree networks vulnerable to disruptions
2020 |
Santiváñez, José A. |
Preface: Introducing operations research trends at CLAIO XVIII
2020 |
Maturana, Sergio |
An ADMM algorithm for two-stage stochastic programming problems
2020 |
Arpón, Sebastián |
An overview of MINLP algorithms and their implementation in Muriqui Optimizer
2020 |
Melo, Wendel |
A real options approach for joint overhaul and replacement strategies with mean reverting prices
2020 |
Mac Cawley, Alejandro |
A two-level evolutionary algorithm for solving the petrol station replenishment problem with periodicity constraints and service choice
2020 |
Al-Hinai, Nasr |
Optimal size of a rental inventory with items available from a secondary source : a model with non-stationary probabilities
2020 |
Epstein, Leonardo D. |
A dynamic programming-based matheuristic for the dynamic berth allocation problem
2020 |
Nishi, Tatsushi |
Mixed-model assembly lines balancing with given buffers and product sequence: model, formulation comparisons, and case study
2020 |
Lopes, Thiago Cantos |
Production planning and scheduling optimization model : a case of study for a glass container company
2020 |
Hervert-Escobar, Laura |
Efficient algorithms of pathwise dynamic programming for decision optimization in mining operations
2020 |
Hinz, Juri |
Dealing with missing information in data envelopment analysis by means of low-rank matrix completion
2020 |
Wohlgemuth, Murilo |
Neighborhood covering and independence on P4-tidy graphs and tree-cographs
2020 |
Durán, Guillermo |
A hybrid K-means and integer programming method for commercial territory design : a case study in meat distribution
2020 |
Moreno, Sebastián |
A decomposition algorithm for computing income taxes with pass-through entities and its application to the Chilean case
2020 |
Barrera, Javiera |