Databases for non-EU nationals and the right to private life : towards a system of generalised surveillance of movement?
2020 |
Vavoula, Niovi |
The opening salvo : the CLOUD act, e-evidence proposals, and EU-US discussions regarding law enforcement access to data across borders
2020 |
Daskal, Jennifer |
Defending democracy in EU Member States : beyond article 7 TEU
2020 |
Scheppele, Kim Lane |
The rule of law, rights, and democracy in sovereignty-sensitive domains
2020 |
Bignami, Francesca |
Post-crisis economic and social policy : some thoughts on structural reforms
2020 |
Tsoukala, Philomila |
The preventive turn in European security policy : towards a rule of law crisis?
2020 |
Mitsilegas, Valsamis |
The politics of resentment and first principles in the European Court of Justice
2020 |
Koncewicz, Tomasz Tadeusz |
The future of the European Economic and Monetary Union : issues of constitutional law
2020 |
Ruffert, Matthias |
EU financial regulation after the neoliberal moment
2020 |
Posner, Elliot |
The Euro crisis and the transformation of the European political system
2020 |
Dehousse, Renaud |
On equal treatment, social justice and the introduction of parliamentarism in the European Union
2020 |
Öberg, Ulf |
The emerging architecture of EU asylum policy : insights into the administrative governance of the Common European Asylum System
2020 |
Tsourdi, Evangelia |
The EU and international terrorism : promoting free movement of persons, the right to privacy and security
2020 |
De Kerchove, Gilles |
The populist backlash against Europe : why only alternative economic and social policies can stop the rise of populism in Europe
2020 |
Bugarič, Bojan |
The democratic disconnect, the power-legitimacy nexus and the future of the EU governance
2020 |
Lindseth, Peter L. |
Politicized integration : the case of the Eurozone crisis
2020 |
Jabko, Nicolas |
Preserving article 8 in times of crisis : constraining derogations from the European Convention on Human Rights
2020 |
Rotenberg, Marc |
Progress and failure in the area of freedom, security and justice
2020 |
DeCapitani, Emilio |