The tax treatment of public and private pension plans around the world
1998 |
Forman, Jonathan Barry |
Administrative and revenue implications of alternative federal consumption taxes for the state and local sector : a study for the American Tax Policy Institute
1998 |
Strauss, Robert P. |
The simplicity of the flat tax : is it unique?
1998 |
McLure, Charles E. |
Simplifying models for the income taxation of trusts and estates
1998 |
Dodge, Joseph M. |
The case for tax indexation of debt
1998 |
Margaliyot, Yoram |
The myth of the matching principle as a tax value
1998 |
Geier, Deborah A. |
A pass-through replacement to subchapter j : putting it in perspective
1998 |
Dodge, Joseph M. |
A reply to Professor Dodge on subchapter j pass-through proposals
1998 |
Kamin, Sherwin |
Imputation of the corporate and personal income tax : is it chasing one's tail?
1998 |
Sappideen, Razeen |
Government precommitment to tax incentive subsidies : the impact of United States v. Winstar Corp. on retroactive tax legislation
1997 |
Goldberg, Daniel S. |
State taxes and the import-export clause
1997 |
Hinds, Elliot D. |
Fiddlers on the tax : depreciation of antique instruments invites reexamination of broader tax policy
1996 |
Polito, Anthony P. |
The elusive transition to a tax transition policy
1996 |
Stark, Kirk J. |
A proposal for the income taxation of trusts and estates, their grantors, and their beneficiaries
1996 |
Kamin, Sherwin |
Consumption-based tax reform and the state-local sector : a study for the American Tax Policy Institute
1996 |
Holtz-Eakin, Douglas |
Taxation and human capital
1996 |
Brooks, Jennifer J. S. |
A report on reforming the alternative minimum tax system
1995 |
Karlinsky, Stewart S. |
Day care and tax policy
1995 |
Sered, Giselle |
Toward more simple and effective giving-ng tax deferral : reforming the tax rules for charitable contributions and charitable organizations
1995 |
Steuerle, C. Eugene |
The uncertain future of limited liability companies
1995 |
Burke, Karen C. |