Simple analytics of the impact of terror generation on attacker-defender interactions
2019 |
Mathews, Timothy |
Evolving hierarchical preferences and behavioral economic policies
2019 |
Schnellenbach, Jan |
The elimination paradox : apportionment in the Democratic Party
2019 |
Jones, Michael A. |
Titles for me but not for thee : transitional gains trap of property rights extension in Colombia
2019 |
Ferrell, Perry |
Land lotteries, long-term wealth, and political selection
2019 |
Poulos, Jason |
Terrorism and affinity of nations
2019 |
Gaibulloev, Khusrav |
On the human consequences of terrorism
2019 |
Arce M., Daniel G. |
Weak rationalizability and Arrovian impossibility theorems for responsive social choice
2019 |
Duggan, John |
Exploring the effects of national and regional popular vote Interstate compact on a toy symmetric version of the Electoral College : an electoral engineering perspective
2019 |
Mouzon, Olivier de |
Kenneth Arrow's impossibility theorem stretching to other fields
2019 |
Gaertner, Wulf |
Strategic and experimental analyses of conflict and terrorism
2019 |
Mathews, Timothy |
The role of noise in alliance formation and collusion in conflicts
2019 |
Boudreau, James W. |
Reapplying behavioral symmetry : public choice and choice architecture
2019 |
Thomas, Michael D. |
Regressive effects of regulation on wages
2019 |
Bailey, James |
Barriers to prosperity : the harmful impact of entry regulations on income inequality
2019 |
Chambers, Dustin |
An empirical examination of institutions and cross-country incarceration rates
2019 |
D'Amico, Daniel J. |
Adaptation and central banking
2019 |
Salter, Alexander William |
Is civic duty the solution to the paradox of voting?
2019 |
François, Abel |
Electoral systems and trade-policy outcomes : the effects of personal-vote incentives on barriers to international trade
2019 |
Wagner, Patrick |
Elections, recession expectations and excessive debt : an unholy trinity
2019 |
Bohn, Frank |