Recognition of new human rights : phases, techniques and the approach of 'diferentiated traditionalism'
2020 |
Decken, Kerstin von der |
The right to health under the ICESCR : existing scope, new challenges and how to deal with it
2020 |
Riedel, Eibe |
The right to environment : a new, internationally recognised human right
2020 |
Rodríguez-Rivera, Luis E. |
Gender recognition as a human right
2020 |
Lau, Holning |
Pre-existing rights and future articulations : temporal rhetoric in the struggle fro trans rights
2020 |
Theilen, Jens T. |
The evolution and revolution of indigenous rights
2020 |
MacKay, Fergus |
Animal rights
2020 |
Pietzykowski, Tomasz |
The right to be forgotten
2020 |
Susi, Mart |
The RTBF 2.0
2020 |
Puccinelli, Oscar Raúl |
The relevance of human rights for dealing with the challenges posed by genetics
2020 |
Andorno, Roberto |
Rights related to enforces disappearance : new rights in the international convention for the protection of all persons from enforced disappearance
2020 |
Galvis Patin̄o, María Clara |
The emergent human right to consular notification, access and assistance
2020 |
Stewart, David P. |
Something old, something new, someting borrowed and something blue : leesons to be learned from the oldest of the 'new' rights$dthe human right to water
2020 |
Thielbörger, Pierre |
The human right to land : 'new right' or 'old wine in a new bottle'?
2020 |
Gilbert, Jérémie |
The fruits of someone Else's labour : gestational surrogady and rights in the twenty-first century
2020 |
Roseman, Mindy Jane |
The challenge of genetics : human rights on the molecular level?
2020 |
Sándor, Judit |
The African right to administrative justice versus the European Union's right to good administration : new human rights?
2020 |
Mihăescu-Evans, Bucura C. |
Bentham redux : examining a right of access to law
2020 |
Rice, Simon |
Strong new branches to the trunk : realisingthe right to health decentrally
2020 |
Martini, Stefan |
The rights of indigenous peoples : everything old is new again
2020 |
Shelton, Dinah |