Pricing intertemporal risk when investment opportunities are unobservable
2019 |
Cederburg, Scott |
Does political uncertainty increase external financing costs? : measuring the electoral premium in syndicated lending
2019 |
Kim, Olivia S. |
Do mutual funds have decreasing returns to scale? : evidence from fund mergers
2019 |
McLemore, Ping |
Holdup by junior claimholders : evidence from the mortgage market
2019 |
Agarwal, Sumit |
Cross-country evidence on the relationship between societal trust and risk-taking by banks
2019 |
Kanagaretnam, Kiridaran |
Liquidity transformation and financial fragility : evidence from funds of hedge funds
2019 |
Agarwal, Vikas |
Predicting U.S. bank failures with MIDAS logit models
2019 |
Audrino, Francesco |
The boss knows best : directors of research and subordinate analysts
2019 |
Bradley, Daniel |
Two trees with heterogeneous beliefs : spillover effect of disagreement
2019 |
Han, Bing |
Employment, corporate investment, and cash-flow risk
2019 |
Alnahedh, Saad |
Are buybacks good for long-term shareholder value? : evidence from buybacks around the world
2019 |
Manconi, Alberto |
Hometown biased acquisitions
2019 |
Jiang, Feng |
Union concessions following asset sales and takeovers
2019 |
Lie, Erik |
Covenants, creditors’ simultaneous equity holdings, and firm investment policies
2019 |
Chava, Sudheer |
Anticipatory traders and trading speed
2019 |
Fishe, Raymond P. H. |
Accounting losses as a heuristic for managerial failure : evidence from ceo turnovers
2019 |
Ghosh, Aloke (Al) |
Risk shifting and corporate pension plans : evidence from a natural experiment
2019 |
Pedersen, David J. |
Heterogeneity of beliefs and trade in experimental asset markets
2019 |
Carlé, Tim A. |
Effect of trading relationships on execution costs in low-information-asymmetry over-the-counter markets
2019 |
Issa, George |
Outside insiders : does access to information prior to an IPO generate a trading advantage after the IPO?
2019 |
Ozmel, Umit |