On the coalitional stability of monopoly power in differentiated Bertrand and Cournot oligopolies
2019 |
Lardon, Aymeric |
A refinement of the uncovered set in tournaments
2019 |
Han, Weibin |
Folk theorems in a bargaining game with endogenous protocol
2019 |
Rachmilevitch, Shiran |
On linear aggregation of infinitely many finitely additive probability measures
2019 |
Nielsen, Michael |
Hypothetical thinking and the winner's curse : an experimental investigation
2019 |
Moser, Johannes |
On some aspects of decision theory under uncertainty : rationality, price-probabilities and the Dutch book argument
2019 |
Montesano, Aldo |
Bertrand competition with asymmetric costs : a solution in pure strategies
2019 |
Demuynck, Thomas |
Condorcet efficiency of the preference approval voting and the probability of selecting the Condorcet loser
2019 |
Kamwa, Eric |
Strategic communication with reporting costs
2019 |
Emons, Winand |
Robust program equilibrium
2019 |
Oesterheld, Caspar |
Axiomatizations of the proportional Shapley value
2019 |
Besner, Manfred |
Rationalizable strategies in games with incomplete preferences
2019 |
Kokkala, Juho |
Motives and comprehension in a public goods game with induced emotions
2019 |
Bartke, Simon |
Preferences over procedures and outcomes in judgment aggregation : an experimental study
2019 |
Sekiguchi, Takuya |
What are axiomatizations good for?
2019 |
Gilboa, Itzhak |
A dynamic game analysis of Internet services with network externalities
2019 |
Shichijo, Tatsuhiro |
Individual vs. group decision-making : an experiment on dynamic choice under risk and ambiguity
2019 |
Carbone, Enrica |
Is knowledge curse or blessing in pure coordination problems?
2019 |
Chuah, Swee Hoon |
NTU core, TU core and strong equilibria of coalitional population games with infinitely many pure strategies
2019 |
Yang, Zhe |
The limitations of the Arrovian consistency of domains with a fixed preference
2019 |
Nguyen, James |