Islamophobia as the racialisation of Muslims
2019 |
Meer, Nasar |
A historical perspective : secularism, 'white backlash' and Islamophobia in France
2019 |
Esteves, Olivier |
Religious dimension of Polish fears of Muslims and Islam
2019 |
Pędziwiatr, Konrad |
Islamophobia and the quest for European identity in Poland
2019 |
Górak-Sosnowska, Katarzyna |
Islamophobia and the US ideological infrastructure of white supremacy
2019 |
Cainkar, Louise |
Understanding Islamophobia in Southeast Asia
2019 |
Mohamed Nawab |
Mapping and mainstreaming Islamophobia : between the illiberal and liberal
2019 |
Mondon, Aurelien |
'Your pain is my pain' : examining the community impacts of Islamophobic hate crimes
2019 |
Paterson, Jenny |
Islamophobia and the Left in France
2019 |
Peace, Timothy |
Islamophobia in Ireland : challenges from below?
2019 |
Carr, James |
The gendered dimension of Islamophobia in Belgium
2019 |
Easat-Daas, Amina |
The racialised and lslamophobic framing of the Rotherham and Rochdale child sexual abuse scandals
2019 |
Tufail, Waqas |
Islamophobia in Greece : the 'Muslim threat' and the panic about Islam
2019 |
Sakellariou, Alexandros |
Muslim American youth and post-9/11 Islamophobia : interfaith activism and the limits of religious multiculturalism
2019 |
Maira, Sunaina |
Breaking the peace : the Quebec City terrorist attack
2019 |
Perry, Barbara |
Far-right Islamophobia : from ideology to 'mainstreamed' hate crimes
2019 |
Feldman, Matthew |
The police challenges in responding to Islamophobic hate crime
2019 |
Giannasi, Paul |
A multidimensional model of understanding Islamophobia : a comparative practical analysis of the US, Canada, UK and France
2019 |
Ameli, Saied Reza |
The psychology of hate crime offenders who target Muslims : who could be a hate crime offender?
2019 |
Prince, Jane |
Discrimination against Muslims in Scotland
2019 |
Bonino, Stefano |