FDI and onshore job stability : upgrades, downgrades, and separations in multinationals
2023 |
Körner, Konstantin |
The macroeconomic effects of funding U.S. infrastructure
2023 |
Malley, James R. |
Do monetary condition news at the zero lower bound influence households' expectations and readiness to spend?
2023 |
Sheen, Jeffrey R. |
Optimal quantitative easing in a monetary union
2023 |
Kabaca, Serdar |
Immigration and work schedules : theory and evidence
2023 |
Bond, Timothy N. |
Model selection accuracy in behavioral game theory : a simulation
2023 |
Healy, Paul J. |
Absolute income mobility and the effect of parent generation inequality : an extended decomposition approach
2023 |
Liss, Erik |
A marriage-market perspective on risk-taking and career choices
2023 |
Zhang, Hanzhe |
Sources of economic policy uncertainty in the euro area
2023 |
Azqueta-Gavaldón, Andrés |
Discrimination and sorting in the real estate market : evidence from terrorist attacks and mosques
2023 |
Lepage, Louis Pierre |
Measuring macroeconomic uncertainty : a cross-country analysis
2023 |
Dibiasi, Andreas |
The long-run effects of risk : an equilibrium approach
2023 |
Kwaak, Christiaan van der |
Evidence on monetary transmission and the role of imperfect information : interest rate versus inflation target shocks
2023 |
Lukmanova, Elizaveta |
Love of variety and gains from trade
2023 |
Gouel, Christophe |
Discussion of "policy packages and policy space : lessons from COVID-19" by Bergant & Forbes
2023 |
Wieland, Volker |
Migration and resilience during a global crisis
2023 |
Barker, Nathan |
To insure or not to insure? : promoting trust and cooperation with insurance advice in markets
2023 |
Grodeck, Ben |
China's demographic transition : a quantitative analysis
2023 |
Yin, Yongkun |
Shared e-scooter services and road safety : evidence from six European countries
2023 |
Cloud, Cannon |
Lying aversion and vague communication : an experimental study
2023 |
Sun, Keh-Kuan |