Financial frictions, the great trade collapse and international trade over the business cycle
2019 |
Watson, Anna |
Some doubts about the economic analysis of the flow of silver to China in 1550-1820
2019 |
Mélitz, Jacques |
Together or apart? : monetary policy divergences in the g4
2019 |
Howorth, Samuel |
Financial globalization and the increase in the size of government : are they related?
2019 |
Erauskin, Iñaki |
Forex intervention and reserve management in Switzerland and Israel since the financial crisis : comparison and policy lessons
2019 |
Cukierman, Alex |
Tax vs. debt management under entitlement spending : a multicountry study
2019 |
Cerniglia, Floriana |
Industry concentration and wage inequality : a directed technical change approach
2019 |
Magalhães, Manuela |
Financial development and the effects of capital controls
2019 |
Bush, Georgia |
Testing DSGE models by indirect inference : a survey of recent findings
2019 |
Meenagh, David |
Housing bubbles, economic growth, and institutions
2019 |
Aizenman, Joshua |
Asymmetric effects of policy uncertainty on domestic investment in G7 countries
2019 |
Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen |
Access to finance and exports : comparable evidence for small and medium enterprises from industry and services in 25 European countries
2019 |
Wagner, Joachim |
The twin deficits hypothesis : an empirical examination
2019 |
Bird, Graham |
Volatility in the cryptocurrency market
2019 |
Liu, Jinan |
Does one law fit all? : cross-country evidence on Okun’s law
2019 |
Ball, Laurence M. |
Growth and jobs in developing economies : trends and cycles
2019 |
An, Zidong |
Market access, labor mobility, and the wage skill premium : new evidence from Chinese cities
2019 |
Li, Hongbing |
Trilemma-dilemma : constraint or choice? : some empirical evidence from a structurally identified heterogeneous panel VAR
2019 |
Montiel, Peter J. |
Explaining international business cycle synchronization : recursive preferences and the terms of trade channel
2019 |
Kollmann, Robert |
Decomposing and analysing the determinants of current accounts' cyclicality : evidence from the Euro area
2019 |
Afonso, António |