Neuassyrische palatiale Architektur urbaner Eliten : das Rote Haus von Dūr-Katlimmu
2019 |
Kreppner, Florian Janoscha |
Palaces at Kanes̆ during the Old Assyrian Period
2019 |
Michel, Cécile |
Achaemenid palaces and their Mesopotamian predecessors
2019 |
Roaf, Michael |
Tell Chuera - Palast F : Leben und Nachleben eines offiziellen Gebäudes
2019 |
Tamm, Alexander |
Der altbabylonische Palast in Tuttul (Tall Biʿa) : funktionale und historische Aspekte
2019 |
Miglus, Peter A. |
2019 |
Wicke, Dirk |
"Palace" at Ebla : an emic approach
2019 |
Archi, Alfonso |
The secularization of power : a precocious birth and collapse of a palatial system at Arslantepe (Malatya, Turkey) in the 4th millennium BC
2019 |
Frangipane, Marcella$ |
Basileia and Royal oikoi : remarks on Arsacid palaces and palace culture
2019 |
Hauser, Stefan R. |
The palace of Adab during the Sargonic period
2019 |
Molina, Manuel |
Der Palast als 'Soziotop' - Funktionen und Funktionsträger in frühislamischen Residenzen : zwischen archäologischem Befund und Textquellen
2019 |
Müller-Wiener, Martina |
The palaces of Gōzāna (Tall Ḥalaf)
2019 |
Novák, Mirko |
Who kept records in the palace of Mari, and why?
2019 |
Arkhipov, Ilya |
Achaemenid reminiscences in the Ptolemaic Royal Quarter? : towards the integrative potencial of the Basileia of Alexandria
2019 |
Riedel, Stefan |
NIMRŪD 2.0 : ein 3D-Modell als relationale Datenbank apotropäischer Reliefs aus dem Nordwest-Palast
2019 |
Serba, Philipp |
Der königliche Hof in neuassyrischer Zeit
2019 |
Gross, Melanie |
The Mitanni palace and settlement at Tell Brak, Northeast Syria
2019 |
McMahon, Augusta |
The royal palace of Qaṭna and the classification of Syrian palatial architecture of the 2nd millennium BC
2019 |
Pfälzner, Peter |
Die "Paläste" von Tell Beydar
2019 |
Pruss, Alexander |