Machaut's motet 10 and its interconnections
2018 |
Bent, Margaret |
Introduction : approaching medieval motets
2018 |
Hartt, Jared C. |
2018 |
Desmond, Karen |
Clerics, courtiers, and the vernacular two-voice motet : the case of "Fines amouretes/Fiat" and the "Roman de la poire"
2018 |
Saltzstein, Jennifer |
The duet motet in England : genre, tonal coherence, reconstruction
2018 |
Hartt, Jared C. |
A prism of its time : social functions of the motet in Fourteenth-century France
2018 |
Boogaart, Jacques |
Motets in chansonniers and the other culture of the French Thirteenth-century motet
2018 |
Saint-Cricq, Gaël |
A motet conceived in troubled times : Machaut's motet 22
2018 |
Fuller, Sarah |
A motet ahead of its time? : the curious case of "Portio nature / Ida capillorum"
2018 |
Zazulia, Emily |
Building a motet around quoted material : textual and musical structure in motets based on monophonic songs
2018 |
Thomson, Matthew P. |
The genre(s) of medieval motets
2018 |
Leach, Elizabeth Eva |
Motets, manuscript culture, mise-en-page
2018 |
Haines, John Dickinson |
Materia matters : reconstructing "Colla / Bona"
2018 |
Zayaruznaya, Anna |
Tracing the tenor in medieval motets
2018 |
Clark, Alice V. |
When words converge and meanings diverge : counterexamples to polytextuality in the Thirteenth-century motet
2018 |
Clark, Suzannah |
Origins and interactions : clausula, motet, conductus
2018 |
Bradley, Catherine A. |
2018 |
Earp, Lawrence Marshburn |
Thirteenth-century motet functions : views through the lens of the "Portare" motet family
2018 |
Pesce, Dolores |