Taxation in digital media markets
2018 |
Kind, Hans Jarle |
The technological determinants of long‐run inequality
2018 |
Canidio, Andrea |
Taxation of firms with unknown mobility
2018 |
Becker, Johannes |
The most ordinally egalitarian of random voting rules
2018 |
Bogomolnaia, Anna |
Optimal unemployment insurance and redistribution
2018 |
Boadway, Robin W. |
Rebranding ex‐convicts
2018 |
Kim, Young-chul |
Securely implementable social choice functions in divisible and nonexcludable public good economies with quasi‐linear utility functions
2018 |
Nishizaki, Katsuhiko |
Endogenous economic growth with disembodied knowledge
2018 |
Marchese, Carla |
The efficiency of decentralized environmental policies under global pollution and tradable emission permits
2018 |
Tsakiris, Nikos |
On the role of the exclusionary rule for optimal law enforcement effort
2018 |
Friehe, Tim |
Ambiguity aversion in the all‐pay auction and war of attrition
2018 |
Stong, Steven |
Budget flexibility, government spending, and welfare
2018 |
Yaşar, Sezer |
On the equilibrium and welfare consequences of getting ahead of the Smiths
2018 |
Gavrel, Frédéric |
Reputation versus information : the delegation policy when the principal has reputational concerns
2018 |
Tamada, Yasunari |
Strategic budgets in sequential elimination contests
2018 |
Ghosh, Gagan |
Trade, environment, and income inequality : an optimal taxation approach
2018 |
Bontems, Philipe |
What's the damage? : environmental regulation with policy‐motivated bureaucrats
2018 |
Voß, Achim |
A model of informal favor exchange on networks
2018 |
Masson, V. |
Fair optimal tax with endogenous productivities
2018 |
Fleurbaey, Marc |
Taxation of a digital monopoly platform
2018 |
Bourreau, Marc |