Consent for the processing of personal data and its relationship to contract
2019 |
Schmidt-Kessel, Martin |
The data protection officer ("DPO")
2019 |
Fauvarque-Cosson, Bénédicte |
Risk allocation and liability regimes in the IoT
2019 |
Mezzanotte, Francesco |
Digital revolution - new challenges for law : introduction
2019 |
De Franceschi, Alberto |
Legal challenges of the changing role of personal and non-personal data in the data economy
2019 |
Drexl, Josef |
The ALI-ELI principles for a data economy
2019 |
Wendehorst, Christiane |
Towards fairness and transparency in the platform economy? : a first look at the P2B Regulation
2019 |
Busch, Christoph |
Individual human autonomy : the rule of law v. the rules of smart technologies and their inherent manipulations
2019 |
Westphalen, Friedrich |
Internet, computer freedom and digital solidarity
2019 |
Sica, Salvatore |
The right to compensation for breach of data protection provisions in the EU context
2019 |
Riente, Federica |
A system of governance for artificial intelligence through the lens of emerging intersections between AI and EU law
2019 |
Mazzini, Gabriele |
Smart contracts : do we need new legal rules?
2019 |
Weber, Rolf H. |
Personal autonomy and the digital revolution
2019 |
Graziadei, Michele |
Digital inheritance as a legal issue
2019 |
Resta, Giorgio |
Certification mechanisms and liability rules under the GDPR : when the harmonisation becomes unification
2019 |
Riccio, Giovanni Maria |
Protecting the values of consumer law in the digital economy : the case of 3D-printing
2019 |
Howells, Geraint G. |
Legal boundaries of blockchain technologies : smart contracts as self-help?
2019 |
Möslein, Florian |
The payment with bitcoins and other virtual currencies : risks, liabilities and regulatory responses
2019 |
Barrière, François |
Autonomous vehicles' liability : need for change?
2019 |
Patti, Francesco Paolo |
Digital revolution - new challenges for law : final remarks
2019 |
Erp, J. H. M. van |