Scripture interpreting the church's story : biblical allusions in the History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria
2018 |
Swanson, Mark N. |
Moses, son of Pharoah : a study of Qur'ān 26 and its exegesis
2018 |
Reynolds, Gabriel Said |
Unity and coherence in the Qur'ān
2018 |
Wild, Stefan |
Two types of inner-Qur'ānic interpretation
2018 |
Sinai, Nicolai |
Exegetical crossroads : understanding scripture in Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the pre-modern Orient : introduction
2018 |
Tamer, Georges |
The letters of the East Syrian patriarch Timothy I : scriptural exegesis between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
2018 |
Heimgartner, Martin |
Use and interpretation of scriptural proof-texts in Christian-Muslim apologetic literature in Arabic
2018 |
Griffith, Sidney Harrison |
Qur'ānic exegesis as an exclusive art : diving for the starting point of Ṣufī Tafsīr
2018 |
Metzler, Berenike |
Ibn Kammūna's knowledge of, and attitude toward, the Qur'ān
2018 |
Pūrǧawādī, Riḍā |
"A wandering Aramean was my father" : an Abrahamic theme in Jewish, Christian and Muslim scriptures and interpretations
2018 |
Graham, William A. |
Jesus, the wondrous infant, at the exegetical crossroads of Christian late antiquity and early Islam
2018 |
Horn, Cornelia B. |
The Lyre of exegesis : Ibin al-Ṭayyib's analytical patterns of the account of the destruction of Sodom
2018 |
Monferrer-Sala, Juan Pedro |
"Min al-'aql wa-laysa min al-kutub" : scriptural evidence, rational verification and Theodore Abū Qurra's apologetic epistemology
2018 |
Awad, Najib George |
"Christ has subjected us to the harsh yoke of the Arabs" : the Syriac exegesis of Jacob of Edessa in the new world order
2018 |
Salvesen, Alison |
From rabbinic homilies to geonic doctrinal exegesis : the story of the witch of En Dor as a test case
2018 |
Ben-Shamai, Ḥagai |
"Hidden Transcripts" in late Midrash made visible : hermeneutical and literary porcesses of borrowing in a multi-cultural context
2018 |
Lehmhaus, Lennart |
Theological deadlocks in the Muslim-Christian exegetical discourse of the medieval Orient : identifying the historical meta-dialogue
2018 |
Accad, Martin |