Why systematic review papers and meta-analyses matter : an introduction to the special issue on generalizations in marketing
2020 |
Hulland, John |
Introduction to the business model innovations in emerging markets special issue
2020 |
Hulland, John |
The impact of unprofitable customer management strategies on shareholder value
2020 |
Feng, Hui |
Categorical versus dimensional thinking : improving anti-stigma campaigns by matching health message frames and implicit worldviews
2020 |
Meyer, Jan-Hinrich |
Sponsorship-linked marketing : research surpluses and shortages
2020 |
Cornwell, T. Bettina |
Customer experience : fundamental premises and implications for research
2020 |
Becker, Larissa Carine Braz |
Technology readiness : a meta-analysis of conceptualizations of the construct and its impact on technology usage
2020 |
Blut, Markus |
Employee-level open innovation in emerging markets : linking internal, external, and managerial resources
2020 |
Badir, Yuosre F. |
New product introductions for low-income consumers in emerging markets
2020 |
Arunachalam, S. |
Does doing good lead to doing better in emerging markets? : stock market responses to the SRI index announcements in Brazil, China, and South Africa
2020 |
Peng, Zou |
Consumer arrogance and word-of-mouth
2020 |
Ruvio, Ayalla |
Successive product generations : financial implications of industry release rhythm alignment
2020 |
Bornemann, Torsten |
How CEO/CMO characteristics affect innovation and stock returns : findings and future directions
2020 |
You, Ya |
Price negotiating for services : elucidating the ambivalent effects on customers' negotiation aspirations
2020 |
Alavi, Sascha |
Product set granularity and consumer response to recommendations
2020 |
Tsekouras, Dimitrios |
Competitive spillover elasticities of electronic word of mouth : an application to the soft drink industry
2020 |
Sanchez, Joaquin |
Components of visual perception in marketing contexts : a conceptual framework and review
2020 |
Sample, Kevin L. |
Understanding and managing customer relational benefits in services : a meta-analysis
2020 |
Gremler, Dwayne D. |
Cross-price elasticities and their determinants : a meta-analysis and new empirical generalizations
2020 |
Auer, Johannes |
How and when weather boosts consumer product valuation
2020 |
Schlager, Tobias |