Science and innovation in Brazil : where to now?
2019 |
Frischtak, Cláudio R. |
Institutions, politics, and state-led innovation
2019 |
Limoeiro, Danilo Rocha |
Resource-led industrial development in the oil and gas global value chain : the case of Brazil
2019 |
Lima-de-Oliveira, Renato |
Innovation in advanced energy : towards a mission-oriented agenda for second-generation (2G) ethanol in Brazil
2019 |
Gradin, Bernardo |
Universities as engines of innovation : the context for tech transfer in case studies from Brazil and the U.S.
2019 |
Reynolds, Elisabeth B. |
Beyond the silicon valley consensus : understanding the organizational challenges and opportunities for promoting innovation in Brazil
2019 |
Piore, Michael J. |
The political economy of collective learning in generic pharmaceuticals
2019 |
Campo, Maria Victoria del |
Brazil's promise : boosting productivity for shared prosperity
2019 |
Dutz, Mark Andrew |
Accelerating innovation in Brazil in the age of global value chains
2019 |
Zylberberg, Ezequiel |
Innovation policy in Brazil since 2003 : advances, incoherencies, and discontinuities
2019 |
Arbix, Glauco |
Benchmarking university/industry research collaboration in Brazil
2019 |
Brito Cruz, Carlos H. de |
Institutional dimensions of innovation policy in Brazil
2019 |
Pacheco, Carlos Américo |
Beyond research and technology organization (RTO) benchmarking : towards a typology of innovation intermediaries
2019 |
Zylberberg, Ezequiel |
Building trust in innovation : the case of EMBRAPII
2019 |
Oliveira, João Fernando Gomes de |