Stationary equilibria of mean field games with finite state and action space
2020 |
Neumann, Berenice Anne |
Long-time behavior of first-order mean field games on Euclidean space
2020 |
Cannarsa, Piermarco |
Anti-conformism in the threshold model of collective behavior
2020 |
Grabisch, Michel |
Evolution of behavior when duopolists choose prices and quantities
2020 |
Khan, Abhimanyu |
Nonzero-sum stochastic games with probability criteria
2020 |
Huang, Xiangxiang |
Chris Cannings : a life in games
2020 |
Bishop, D. Timothy |
Imperfect strategy transmission can reverse the role of population viscosity on the evolution of altruism
2020 |
Débarre, Florence |
Equilibria in altruistic economic growth models
2020 |
Balbus, Lukasz |
Pursuit strategy of motion camouflage in dynamic games
2020 |
Matychyn, Ivan |
A differential game with exit costs
2020 |
Bagagiolo, Fabio |
Self-consistent feedback Stackelberg equilibria for infinite horizon stochastic games
2020 |
Bressan, Alberto |
Dynamic games and applications : special issue in memory of Chris Cannings : introduction
2020 |
Broom, Mark |
Evolutionary substitution and replacement in N-species Lotka-Volterra systems
2020 |
Cressman, Ross |
Signed network formation games and clustering balance
2020 |
Cisneros-Velarde, Pedro |
Optimal strategies in zero-sum repeated games with incomplete information : the dependent case
2020 |
Gensbittel, Fabien |
Cooperative dynamic games with durable controls : theory and application
2020 |
Petrosjan, Leon A. |
A Stackelberg game of backward stochastic differential equations with applications
2020 |
Zheng, Yueyang |
Evasive path planning under surveillance uncertainty
2020 |
Gilles, Marc Aurèle |
Solution to a zero-sum differential game with fractional dynamics via approximations
2020 |
Gomoyunov, Mikhail |
Optimality, equilibrium, and curb sets in decision problems without commitment
2020 |
Herings, Peter Jean-Jacques |