Increased mandated disclosure frequency and price formation : evidence from the 8-K expansion regulation
2019 |
McMullin, Jeff L. |
Ideological diversity in standard setting
2019 |
Chakravarthy, Jivas |
The implication of unrecognized asset value on the relation between market valuation and debt valuation adjustment
2019 |
Cedergren, Matthew C. |
Regulatory oversight and trade-offs in earnings management : evidence from pension accounting
2019 |
Naughton, James P. |
Does a change in dividend tax rates in the U.S. affect equity prices of non-U.S. stocks?
2019 |
Kenchington, David G. |
The effect of enforcement transparency : evidence from SEC comment-letter reviews
2019 |
Duro, Miguel |
Intra-industry information transfers : evidence from changes in implied volatility around earnings announcements
2019 |
Hann, Rebecca N. |
Do financial analysts compel firms to make accounting decisions? : evidence from goodwill impairments
2019 |
Ayres, Douglas R. |
Changes in analysts' stock recommendations following regulatory action against their brokerage
2019 |
Call, Andrew C. |
Reliability and relevance of fair values : private equity investments and investee fundamentals
2019 |
Ferreira, Petrus H. |
Integrated ownership and managerial incentives with endogenous project risk
2019 |
Baldenius, Tim |
Bank asset transparency and credit supply
2019 |
Balakrishnan, Karthik |
Auditor benchmarking of client disclosures
2019 |
Drake, Michael S. |
Long-term economic consequences of hedge fund activist interventions
2019 |
DeHaan, Ed |
Non-GAAP reporting following debt covenant violations
2019 |
Christensen, Theodore E. |
A contextual analysis of the impact of managerial expectations on asymmetric cost behavior
2019 |
Chen, Jason V. |
Securities regulation, household equity ownership, and trust in the stock market
2019 |
Christensen, Hans B. |
Organizational structure and earnings quality of private and public firms
2019 |
Bonacchi, Massimiliano |
Overconfidence and corporate tax policy
2019 |
Chyz, James A. |
Director compensation and related party transactions
2019 |
Hope, Ole-Kristian |