Economic growth and poverty reduction in contemporary India
2018 |
Corbridge, Stuart |
Relational research design in economic geography
2018 |
Bathelt, Harald |
The logic of production networks
2018 |
Yeung, Henry Wai-Chung |
Corporate social responsibilty and standards
2018 |
Hughes, Alex |
Talent, Skills, and urban economies
2018 |
Florida, Richard L. |
Fiance and financial systems: evolving geographies of crisis and instability
2018 |
Dymski, Gary Arthur |
Infrastructure and finance
2018 |
O'Neill, Phillip |
Reconceptualizing resource peripheries
2018 |
McElroy, Caitlin A. |
Outside regional paths: constructing an economic geography of energy transitions
2018 |
Christopherson, Susan |
Green Growth
2018 |
Hepburn, Cameron |
Pursuing equitable economic growth in the global south
2018 |
Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés |
Innovation highways and the geography of inclusive growth
2018 |
McGahan, Anita M. |
Shocking aspects of regional development: towards an economic geography of resilience
2018 |
Martin, Ron |
Heterodoxy as orthodoxy: prolegomenon for a geographical political economy
2018 |
Sheppard, Eric S. |
Economic ecosystems
2018 |
Auerswald, Philip E. |
Schumpeterian customers? How active users co-create innovations
2018 |
Grabher, Gernot |
Firms in context: internal and external drivers of success
2018 |
Delgado, Mercedes |
The logic of aglomeration
2018 |
Duranton, Gilles |
Network geographies and geographical networks: co-dependence and co-evolution of multinational enterprises and space
2018 |
Iammarino, Simona |
Immigration and the politics of skill
2018 |
Iskander, Natasha |