Special issue "Antitrust in the digital economy" |
2021 |
volume 54 (March 2021) |
Special Issue: the economics of the artificial intelligence and the machine learning |
2019 |
volume 47 (June 2019) |
Special issue: Big media: economics and regulation of digital markets |
2015 |
volume 32 (September 2015) |
Special issue: ICT and innovation |
2013 |
25.2013,3 |
Special issue: The economics of digital media markets |
2012 |
24.2012,1 |
Wireless technologies |
2010 |
22,1 : Special issue |
Digital piracy |
2010 |
22,4 : Special issue |
Special issue: Digital piracy |
2010 |
22.2010,4 |
Special issue: Wireless technologies |
2010 |
22.2010,1 |
Special section on auctions |
2009 |
21,2 : Special issue |
Empirical issues in open source software |
2008 |
20,4 : Special issue |
Special issue: Empirical issues in open source software |
2008 |
20.2008,4 |
Economics of the media : special issue |
2007 |
19.2007,3/4 |
Economics of the media |
2007 |
19,3/4 : Special issue |
Special issue on competition in telecommunications |
2004 |
16.2004,3 |
Special issue on innovation, competition, standards and intellectual property : policy perspectives from economics and law |
2004 |
16.2004,1 |
Special issue on the New Economy |
2002 |
14.2002,2 |
Symposium on Universal Service Obligation and Competition |
2000 |
12.2000,3 |