The growth of the world economy
2018 |
Jorgenson, Dale Weldeau |
Productivity in the global economy
2018 |
Erumban, Abdul Azeez |
Labor productivity and a test of Kaldor-Verdoorn law in East Asia
2018 |
Pyo, Hak-kil |
Accounting for the role of information and communication technology in China's productivity growth
2018 |
Wu, Harry X. |
What do we know about productivity in Arab economies : the challenges of generating multifactor productivity (MFP) estimates at industry level
2018 |
Choudhury, Homagni |
Size and productivity in Indian manufacturing sector
2018 |
Mitra, Arup |
Human capital productivity
2018 |
Fraumeni, Barbara M. |
Declining rate of return on capital and the role of intangibles in Japan : an empirical study using Japanese KLEMS (JIP) database
2018 |
Miyagawa, Tsutomu |
Russia since 1995 : natural gas, catching up and informality
2018 |
Voskobojnikov, Ilʹja B. |
Productivity slowdown in Brazil 2000-2013 : general performance and sectoral contributions
2018 |
Kupfer, David |
Argentina growth failure : an overview from ar KLEMS+LAND growth and productivity accounts
2018 |
Coremberg, Ariel |
Determinants of total factor productivity in Mexico : 1991-2014
2018 |
Gullen Martin, Francisco |
Dynamics of labor productivity in Indian industry : 1980-2011
2018 |
Aggarwal, Suresh Chand |
A state level perspective of productivity growth of Indian organized manufacturing sector
2018 |
Trivedi, Pushpa L. |
Productivity growth in Asia and its country origins
2018 |
Nomura, Kōji |
The industry-level productivity of Taiwan in 1981-2010 : evidence from Taiwan KLEMS database
2018 |
Lin, Yih-ming |
Total factor productivity in Indian organised manufacturing : the story of the noughties
2018 |
Das, Pilu Chandra |
Latin America : economic growth and productivity since 1990s
2018 |
Hofman, André A. |
Global growth accounting : the role of shifting investment patterns
2018 |
Erumban, Abdul Azeez |
Total factor productivity and the sources of Singapore's economic growth : measurement, insights, and projection
2018 |
Jorgenson, Dale Weldeau |