Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and dialogue between the churches of east and west : brief historical notes
2019 |
Condorelli, Orazio |
De beroepsaansprakelijkheid van de advocaat in Lenaert Leys’ Over rechtvaardigheid en recht
2019 |
Decock, Wim |
Restitution for wrongs in the civilian tradition
2019 |
Dondorp, Harry |
J.P. Hooykaas en de afdeling Wetgeving van het Ministerie van Justitie in Den Haag (1939–1946)
2019 |
Faber, Sjoerd |
Lieferte die Bibliothek in Konstantinopel einen Beitrag zum Codex Theodosianus?
2019 |
Heutger, Viola |
Human dignity in the early sixteenth century Spanish scholasticism : Francisco de Vitoria and Fray Bartolomé de las Casas
2019 |
Masferrer, Aniceto |
Habebant omnia communia : Überlegungen zum Gemeineigentum in Philosophie, Theologie und Recht
2019 |
Schermaier, Martin Josef |
Truth and obedience : the states of Holland and West Frisia’s 6 August 1702 plakkaat and its repercussions in Rome for the proceedings against Petrus Codde
2019 |
Schoon, Dirk Jan |
Prize law, procedure and politics : the settlement of a prize case before the Admiralty Court and the Great Council of the Netherlands (1554–1555)
2019 |
Sicking, Louis |
Observations on the value of naturalis ratio from early Humanism to the Antiquity
2019 |
Tanev, Konstantin |
Unjust enrichment and Lord Mansfield
2019 |
Ibbetson, David J. |
In testamentis plenius testatoris intentionem scrutamur
2019 |
Schrage, Eltjo J. H. |
What did in bonis in the actio Serviana include?
2019 |
Sirks, Adriaan Johan Boudewijn |
A non-political stance as an ecclesial via media in war time? : the correspondence between archbishop Andreas Rinkel of Utrecht and bishop Erwin Kreuzer of the German Old Catholic Church from 1937 until the invasion of the Netherlands
2019 |
Smit, Peter-Ben |
Setting the right example? : good governance, exemplary law and reformed church polity
2019 |
Broeke, Leon van den |
De prejudiciële beslissing van de Hoge Raad van 21 april 2017 over omzetting van en in een kerkgenootschap, nader beschouwd
2019 |
Ploeg, Tymen J. van der |
Heidenen in de Codex Theodosianus?
2019 |
Waelkens, Laurent |
Audiuntur theologi : legal scholarship’s claim on the “Second Table” in Alberico Gentili’s De Nuptiis (1601)
2019 |
Wijffels, Alain |
Nine remarks on the distinction between mala in se and mala prohibita
2019 |
Winkel, Laurens C. |
Das Wissen des Verkäufers im frühneuzeitlichen kastilischen Recht der Sachmängelhaftung
2019 |
Bruijn, Niels de |