Introduction to a special issue in honor of Kenneth Arrow
2019 |
Penn, Elizabeth Maggie |
Valuable legacy? : the effect of inherited fiscal rules
2019 |
Tóth, Csaba G. |
How robust is the welfare state when facing open borders? : an evolutionary game-theoretic model
2019 |
Brandt, Urs Steiner |
Affinity, arming, consequences, and perceptions : an introduction
2019 |
Sandler, Todd |
Problems of commitment in arming and war : how insecurity and destruction matter
2019 |
Garfinkel, Michelle Robin |
Terrorism and subjective financial well-being : micro-level evidence from Pakistan
2019 |
Gaibulloev, Khusrav |
Why Arrow's theorem matters for political theory even if preference cycles never occur
2019 |
Ingham, Sean |
Arrow, and unexpected consequences of his theorem
2019 |
Saari, Donald |
A defense of Arrow’s independence of irrelevant alternatives
2019 |
Patty, John W. |
Regressive effects of regulation
2019 |
Thomas, Diana Weinert |
Do the poor want to be regulated? : public opinion surveys on regulation in the United States, 1981-2002
2019 |
Horpedahl, Jeremy |
The incumbent’s preference for imperfect commitment
2019 |
Wrede, Matthias |
Political regimes and publicly provided goods : why democracy needs development
2019 |
Roessler, Martin |
Is the market for digital privacy a failure?
2019 |
Fuller, Caleb S. |
Intra-party politics and interest groups : missing links in explaining government effectiveness
2019 |
Ceron, Andrea |
"Mao’s last revolution" : a dictator’s loyalty-competence tradeoff
2019 |
Bai, Ying |
Measuring rent-seeking
2019 |
Laband, David N. |
Rent-seeking in the classroom and textbooks : where are we after 50 years?
2019 |
Hall, Joshua C. |
Uncontestable favoritism
2019 |
Mitchell, Matthew D. |
The Coleman–Shapley index : being decisive within the coalition of the interested
2019 |
Casajus, André |