The selection of predictive variables in aggregate hydroelectric generation models
2021 |
Condemi, Claudia |
Dynamic behavior of hydro/thermal electrical operators under an environmental policy targeting the preservation of ecosystem integrity and air quality
2021 |
Hedfi, Houeida |
One-week-ahead electricity price forecasting using weather forecasts, and its application to arbitrage in the forward market : an empirical study of the Japan Electric Power Exchange
2021 |
Matsumoto, Takuji |
A fractional Brownian-Hawkes model for the Italian electricity spot market : estimation and forecasting
2021 |
Giordano, Luca M. |
Efficient representation of supply and demand curves on day-ahead electricity markets
2021 |
Soloviova, Mariia |
Zone-wide prediction of generating unit-specific power outputs for electricity grid congestion forecasts
2021 |
Schönheit, David Josua |
Causality between oil prices and exchange rates : a quantile-on-quantile analysis
2021 |
Seraj, Mehdi |
The relationship between oil prices, global economic policy uncertainty and financial market stress
2021 |
Ziaei, Sayyed Mahdi |
Neural network middle-term probabilistic forecasting of daily power consumption
2021 |
Baviera, Roberto |
Addressing competitiveness of emissions-intensive and trade-exposed sectors : a review of Alberta's carbon pricing system
2021 |
Tarnoczi, Tyler |
Impact of changes in the global environment on price differentials between the US crude oil spot markets for the periods before and after 2008-9
2021 |
Duangnate, Kannika |
Optimal electricity distribution pricing under risk and high photovoltaics penetration
2021 |
Bichuch, Maxim |
Optimal extraction and taxation of strategic natural resources : a differential game approach
2020 |
Pemy, Moustapha |
The European intraday electricity market : a modeling based on the Hawkes process
2020 |
Favetto, Benjamin |
The liquefied natural gas spot market and valuation of the rerouting option
2020 |
Geman, Hélyette |
The impact of end-user market integration and the smart grid on electricity retailers in the Nordic region
2020 |
Ilieva, Iliana |
Estimating marginal effects of key factors that influence wholesale electricity demand and price distributions in Texas via quantile variable selection methods
2020 |
Ekin, Tahir |
Estimating the hedging potentials of Bitcoin and energy returns
2020 |
Wajdi, Moussa |
Blockchain consensus protocols, energy consumption and cryptocurrency prices
2020 |
Sapkota, Niranjan |
Carbon pricing paths to a greener future, and potential roadblocks to public companies' creditworthiness
2020 |
Baldassarri Höger von Högersthal, Giorgio |