Father Amiot's Cup : a Qing Imperial Porcelain Sent to the Court of Louis XV
2015 |
Choi, Kee Il |
Spaces of Global Interactions : the Material Landscapes of Global History
2015 |
Gerritsen, Anne |
Objects of Emotion : the London Foundling Hospital Tokens, 1741-60
2015 |
Styles, John |
Material Culture and the History of Art (efacts)
2015 |
Coltman, Viccy |
Introduction : Writing Material Culture History
2015 |
Gerritsen, Anne |
Written Texts and the Performance of Materiality
2015 |
Richardson, Catherine |
Time, Wear and Maintenance : the Afterlife of Things
2015 |
Kelley, Victoria |
How Things Shape Us : Material Culture and Identity in the Industrial Age
2015 |
Charpy, Manuel |
Europe 1600-1800 in a Thousand Objects
2015 |
Miller, Lesley Ellis |
Objects of Empire : Museums, Material Culture and Histories of Empire
2015 |
McAleer, John |
Reading and Writing the Restoration History of an Old French Bureau
2015 |
Sargentson, Carolyn |
Broken Objects : Using Archaeological Ceramics in the Study of Material Culture
2015 |
Hood, Suzanne Findlen |
Identity, Heritage and Memorialization : the Toraja Tongkonan of Indonesia
2015 |
Adams, Kathleen M. |
Exchange and Value : the Material Culture of a Chumash Basket
2015 |
Leibsohn, Dana |
Cosmopolitan Relationships in the Crossroads of the Pacific Ocean
2015 |
Hellmich, Christina |
Material Culture and Materialism : the French Revolution in Wallpaper
2015 |
Lehmann, Ulrich |
The Return of the Wunderkammer : Material Cutire in the Museum
2015 |
Lasser, Ethan W. |
Interwoven Knowledge : Understanding and Conserving Three Islamic Carpets
2015 |
Hallett, Jessica |
Handle with Care : the Future of Curatorial Expertise
2015 |
Adamson, Glenn |
Material Culture, Archaeology and Defining Modernity : Case Studies in Ceramic Research
2015 |
Gaimster, David R. M. |