Editorial annals of regional science
2020 |
Andersson, Martin |
The incompatibility of local economic prosperity and migrants’ social integration : evidence from the Netherlands
2020 |
Wang, Zhiling |
The influence of oil and natural gas employment on local retail spending : evidence from Oklahoma panel data
2020 |
Whitacre, Brian E. |
On the estimation of spatial stochastic frontier models : an alternative skew-normal approach
2020 |
Graaff, Thomas de |
Testing for spatial group-wise heteroskedasticity in spatial autocorrelation regression models : lagrange multiplier scan tests
2020 |
Le Gallo, Julie |
ML versus IV estimates of spatial SUR models : evidence from the case of Airbnb in Madrid urban area
2020 |
López, Fernando A. |
Time, space and hedonic prediction accuracy : evidence from Corsican apartment markets
2020 |
Ling, Yuheng |
Partial ownership of local firms and zoning of neighboring towns
2020 |
Bárcena Ruiz, Juan Carlos |
Determinants of labour productivity growth in Spanish and Portuguese regions : a spatial shift-share approach
2020 |
Melchor Ferrer, Elías |
Amenities and the geography of innovation : evidence from Chinese cities
2020 |
Zhang, Min |
Immigration and far-right voting : evidence from Greece
2020 |
Roupakias, Stelios |
Is there a universal parametric city size distribution? : empirical evidence for 70 countries
2020 |
Puente-Ajovín, Miguel |
Segregation and individual employment : a longitudinal study of neighborhood effects
2020 |
Wixe, Sofia |
Spatial Cournot competition in two intersecting circular markets
2020 |
Guo, Wen-Chung |
Intercity migration behavior of Chinese graduates : from home region to work destination
2020 |
Sun, Yi-Fan |
New business location : how local characteristics influence individual location decision?
2020 |
Cissé, Ismaëlh |
Mass appraisal without statistical estimation : a simplified comparable sales approach based on a spatiotemporal matrix
2020 |
Yousfi, Sonia |
Spatial disparities in accessibility to recreational amenities : the case of Pokémon GO
2020 |
Sari, Florent |
Stated and revealed locational preferences of firms : a national scale perspective
2020 |
Musolino, Dario |
The mental maps of Italian, German and Dutch entrepreneurs : a comparative perspective
2020 |
Musolino, Dario |