On the possibility of peasant intellectuals : the case of the Ukrainnians in Habsburg Galicia
2014 |
Zayarnyuk, Andriy |
Andrew Donson, Youth in the fatherless land : [Rezension]
2012 |
Kay, Carolyn Helen |
Wilhelmine nature : natural lifestyle and practical politics in the German life-reform movement (1890 - 1914)
2012 |
Sharma, Avi |
Youth cultures and the disciplining of Czechoslovak youth in the 1960s
2012 |
Pospíšil, Filip |
The education and training of gentry sons in early modern England
2011 |
Wallis, Patrick |
Lansing, Charles B.: From nazism to communism : german schoolteachers under two dictatorships, 2010, Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, X + 307 S. : Rezension
2011 |
Larkin, Kraig |
From brotherhood community to civil society? : apprentices between guild, household and the freedom of contract in early modern Antwerp
2010 |
DeMunck, Bert |
Patchwork identities and folk devils : youth subcultures and gangs in socialist Hungary
2009 |
Horváth, Sándor |
Streetcars of desire : cars and automobilism in communist Hungary (1958-70)
2009 |
Péteri, György |
Revolutionizing mind and soul? : Soviet youth and cultural campaigns during the New Economic Policy (1921-8)
2008 |
Neumann, Matthias |
The formation of an educational and training system for social work in the Russian Empire, 1860s to the early 1900s
2008 |
Tevlina, Victoria |
'Honesty, sobriety and diligence' : master-apprentice relations in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century England
2008 |
Levene, Alysa |
Reconsidering the modernity paradigm : reform movements, the social and the state in Wilhelmine Germany
2006 |
Sweeney, Dennis |
Why did German youth become fascists? : Nationalist males born 1900 to 1908 in war and revolution
2006 |
Donson, Andrew |
Thomas Nutz, Strafanstalt als Besserungsmaschine : Reformdiskurs und Gefängniswissenschaft 1775 - 1848, München, Oldenbourg, VII, 435 S. : Rezension
2004 |
Sweeney, Dennis |
John Connelly, Captive university : the sovietization of East German, Czech, and Polish higher education, 1945 - 1956, Chapel Hill [u.a.], Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2000, XVI + 432 p. : Rezension
2003 |
Augustine, Dolores L. |
Doris Kaufmann (Hrsg.), Geschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft im Nationalsozialismus : Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven der Forschung, Bd. 1.1 und 1.2, Göttingen, Wallstein, 2000, 767 S. : Rezension
2002 |
Prüll, Livia |
Till van Rahden, Juden und andere Breslauer : die Beziehungen zwischen Juden, Protestanten und Katholiken in einer deutschen Großstadt von 1860 bis 1925, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2000, 382 S. : Rezension
2002 |
Hagen, William W. |
Ute Planert, Antifeminismus im Kaiserreich : Diskurs, soziale Formation und politische Mentalität, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998 : Rezension
2000 |
Heinsohn, Kirsten |
Approach / avoidance : communists and women in East Germany, 1945-9
2000 |
Harsch, Donna |