Trading mineral commodities : a perspective for South America?
2010 |
Coy, Martin |
Wood as commodity of the future? : international timber trade between profit maximization and sustainability
2010 |
Neuburger, Martina |
Health challenges in megacities : examples from India and China
2010 |
Butsch, Carsten |
Yangon/ Myanmar : transformation processes and mega-urban developments
2010 |
Kraas, Frauke |
No security for the urban poor : contested space in low-income settlements of Dhaka
2010 |
Hackenbroch, Kirsten |
World population trends since 1950
2010 |
Zaniewski, Kazimierz J. |
Population aging : a common challenge for Europe
2010 |
Rychtařiková, Jitka |
Foreign investment in Jatropha production : a chance for rural development in Madagascar
2010 |
Grass, Martin |
Global commodity trade in time of crisis
2010 |
Haas, Hans-Dieter |
Cross-borders trade with secondary raw materials
2010 |
Schlesinger, Dieter Matthew |
Urban development and segregation in greater Istanbul
2010 |
Seger, Martin |
Population and urbanization in Latin America and the Caribbean
2010 |
Smith, Betty E. |
Global biomass use and the environmental impacts of biofuels
2010 |
O'Brian, Meghan |
"I want to change my fate now!" : the role of oil palm in Indonesia's rural development
2010 |
Rist, Lucy |
Renewable energy sources and biofuels : the case of ethanol in Brazil
2010 |
Population and environment in Brazil
2010 |
Théry, Hervé |
Recent trends in Mexican migration to the United States
2010 |
Jones, Richard C. |
Mortality trends in the former USSR
2010 |
Heleniak, Timothy |
The transition to second generation biofuels in the United States : will it be feasible and sustainable?
2010 |
Solomon, Barry |
Boon and bane of China's "White Gold" : history, environmental consequences and socio-economic implications of Yunnan's rubber boom
2010 |
Hennig, Thomas |