Jewish latin american writers and collective memory
1993 |
Senkman, Leonardo |
Matrimony and religious conflict : Bernardo Gravier's El hijo del rabino
1993 |
Foster, David William |
Noah in the pampas : syncretism in Goloboff's Criador de palomas
1993 |
Barr, Lois |
Aspects of the jewish presence in the Brazilian narrative : the "crypto-jews"
1993 |
Igel, Regina |
Angelina Muñiz's Tierra adentro : (re)creating the subject
1993 |
Friedman, Edward H. |
Resonances of the Yiddishkeit tradition in the contemporary brazilian narrative
1993 |
DiAntonio, Robert |
The complex roses of Jerusalem : the theme of Israel in argentinian jewish poetry
1993 |
Goldberg, Florinda F. |
Marcos Aguinis : shifting lines of difference between the other and the self
1993 |
Schneider, Judith Morganroth |
Lispector's rethinking of biblical and mystical discourse
1993 |
Schiminovich, Flora |
The family, the world : the poetry of José Kozer
1993 |
Sefamí, Jacobo |
Jacobo Fijman : jewish poet?
1993 |
Lindstrom, Naomi |
Ethnic identity in the plays of Sabina Berman
1993 |
Cypess, Sandra M. |
Visions of Esther Seligson
1993 |
Stavans, Ilan |
Samuel Rovinski and the dual identity
1993 |
Rojas, Mario A. |
Urban life and jewish memory in the tales of Moacyr Scliar and Nora Glickman
1993 |
Baumgarten, Murray |
Jewish identity, pluralism, and survival : Feierstein's Mestizo as minority discourse
1993 |
Aizenberg, Edna |
Metaphors of disorder and displacement in Mil anos, un dia, by Ricardo Halac
1993 |
Glickman, Nora |